Some say this will be an intense year.
Some say this will be a challenging year.
Some say this will be a transformational year.
This year will be exactly what we create this year to be.
Every year, every month, every day is a choice.
We choose what we want to experience.
Every moment can be a gift or a curse, depending on our beliefs.
Every relationship can be healing or destructive, depending on what we choose.
Believe it or not, we believe what we see..
We perceive what we look for.
We experience what we expect.
We ask for consciously and unconsciously what we get.
So what do you want to create for yourself?
What do you want to create for your family?
What do you want to envision for your work?
What do you want to imagine for your world?
What we think, say and do, we are teaching everyone everywhere.
“As a man thinks, so is he.”
Thoughts create.
What we conceive and believe, we can achieve.
We are creating our own experience everyday in everyway.
When we give our thoughts, words and activities to Good, we are creating Good.
When we are focused on what we can “get”, we open to “getting” whatever is available.
When we think solely of meeting our own needs and what “we want”, we have limited experiences.
We are creating with how we respond to whatever comes our way.
We are creating by the vision we hold in our imagination.
We are creating with affirmations of gratitude and acceptance.
We are creating by the company we keep.
We are creating with the media we watch and the books we read.
We are creating with our unconscious guilt, our fears, judgments and worries.
We are creating with how we treat others and how they treat us.
We are creating with our gossip and what we share about our history.
We are creating with our life style choices and our financial expenditures and investment.
We are creating with every choice we make.
Simply remind yourself of what you really want everyday.
Forgive yourself, when you choose what you don’t want.
Remember you are experimenting to see what you really value.
Let go quickly and easily of everything that is not IT.
I know what I want and I go for It.
Letting go is fun, safe and easy.
Life works when I do the work.
I easily forgive and choose again.
My current affirmations:
2012 will be a great year of choosing for the highest good for all.
I choose for peace and love and gratitude for all the Good.
I am open and willing to trust in Love and freely share the Love I Am with everyone.
Loving you in remembering to choose what you really want.
Betty Lue