Monday, November 28, 2011


What is your responsibility?
What is your responsibility to yourself?
Are you willing to be your best self?
Are you willing to make healthy choices?
Are you willing to take impeccable care of your body?
Are you willing to quit unhealthy habits?
Are you willing to choose better ways of living?
Are you willing to feed your mind and your body only what is Good for you?
Are you willing to stop choosing negative thinking and speaking and acting?
Are you willing to live in a way that exemplifies what you want your world to be?

We are responsible for ourselves, our thoughts, our words and our actions.
We are responsible for how we spend our time and money and energy.
We are responsible for how we treat others and ourselves.
We are responsible for the choices we make and the chances we take.

We are responsible for how we treat others and teach others.
We are responsible for the music we listen to and the media we watch.
We are responsible for the ways we bless or waste food.
We are responsible for those we see and hear in need and how we respond.

We are responsible for the world we see.
How we respond to what we see determines what we see.
When we respond with hatred, anger and blame, we continue the pain.
When we respond with blessing, healing and forgiveness, we heal the wounds.

When we see a need, it is ours to fill.
How we fill the need determines its continuance or completion.
When we fill our own needs in healthy ways, we learn to respond always with forgiveness and blessings.
When we avoid or ignore our own needs, we reinforce avoidance of ignorance of others’ needs.

This is the time of year when we have clear choices in how and when we repond to the needs we hear.
Whether it is our children, our society or the ones we encounter along the way, “neediness” is apparent.
People often are calling for things, when they really want love, kindness, education, trust and support.
How we respond determines the outcome that is achieved.

Our responsibility is to listen within and respond in the highest and best way for the Good of All.
Listen and you will hear clearly the way to forgive all judgments and truly Love.
You know when you have responded with joy and blessing, because you are at peace.
When your responses and underlying intention are only for Good, your Real message is heard loud and clear.

When we respond from a place of duty, guilt, fear or obligation, the responses are not helpful.
When we respond to our children, family and others from a place of gratitude, forgiveness and love, whatever we say or do is a gift to everyone and a blessing to all.

The only mistake we ever make is when we forget to Love.
Give yourself to Love, and Love with give to you.

Loving us all for the sake of All Good in All,
Betty Lue