Monday, October 31, 2011

What is Behind the Mask?

Halloween is a time for fun, kids and candy.
It also is a time when we can show up in our more obvious disguises and masks with tricks and treats.
Every one is wearing a disguise and most don’t even notice anything but surface appearances.
Can you see behind the mask?

Is it possible that we all are being deceived by the acts people are playing?
Can you forgive what you see?
Is it possible you do not know who you really are?
Can you forgive the parts you play?
Is it possible that we have tricked ourselves into believing appearances?
Can you forgive your senses for convincing you what is false is true?
Is it possible that when we look beneath the body and the behavior we can find the Truth?
Can you forgive your ignorance, innocence or just plain naiveté?

What I know is beneath the body, emotions, beliefs and behavior is Love.
What I know is beyond what we can see and taste and touch is energy, prana, Spirit, life force.
What I know is that we all come from the same “stuff” and return to the same “stuff”.
What is know is that we all came here to play a similar game, “trick or treat”.

The TRICK is that we are not what we seem to be.
The TREAT is that we are all Good and Pure perfect Love.
Let’s look under the ego’s disguise of personality and emotions and body stuff.
Let’s see with our heart and listen to the Love inside and see what resides beneath the illusion.

How could Goodness create anything less?  
How could Love be anything other than Love?
Yes sometimes we are trying to remember our way back to Love and Goodness.
Yes, often we have gotten lost in the deceptions of the world and its seeming tricks.

But with forgiveness, we can see again what is truly in all that is.
With forgiveness, we can see the child of God within.
With forgiveness, we can heed the call for Love, where Love is needed.
With forgiveness, we can give our blessings and be filled with gratitude.

Thank Goodness for the Good that always is, when we are willing to forgive all the illusion.
Thank Goodness for the Love that is shared, when we are blessed with the opportunity to choose again.
Thank Goodness, for the Peace that comes, when we heal our misperceptions and belief in the illusion.
Thank Goodness, for the Remembrance of Our Oneness and Unity in Gratitude for each One.

I know you and love you, when I can really see YOU, in all your perfection as the One I AM.
Loving you,  
Betty Lue 

The Gift You Are

You are the gift.
In your healing, I am healed.
In your smiling, I find joy.
In your learning, I am filled with wisdom.
In your free expressions, I am empowered.
In your abundance, I too prosper.
In your spontaneity, I am set free.
In your joy, I know heaven.

And so it is that you give your Self to me
And I receive you with love and gratitude.
I am the gift I give to You
And I fully receive the gift I freely give.

As I know You, I know my Self.
As I give to you, I receive all good.
As I support you, I am supported by the Universe.
As I honor and respect you, I experience gratitude in all my being.
As I love you, I am loving all of God's creation.

I know you and believe in you.
I honor, respect and support you in being.
In you and me is all the Universe.
We are gifts to one another.

       - Betty Lue