Whatever you see is up to you and your beliefs.
When you seek for the light, you can always find it.
When you draw the curtains in your mind, you block the light and live in the dark.
Life is a choice.
Do you look for darkness or light?
Do you feel comfortable with problems and pain or with celebration and joy?
Are you willing to uncover your eyes and unblock you mind and open your heart?
During this time of more spiritual awareness and decreasing light from the sun, the dirt appears.
When we are engaged in economic stress, family conflict, health issues and personal fear, you may feel frustrated, angry and depressed.
What can I do?
What can you do?
What can we do?
- Stop complaining.
- Step away from the issue.
- Take a break and look again.
- Find a center of peace…in meditation, in nature, in a favorite activity, in music and beauty.
You can wallow in fear, depression, anger and resistance.?????
You can judge, blame, hate, feel sorry or guilty or ashamed.
Or you can forgive, be grateful, seek peace, nurture yourself or just get going and DO SOMETHING!
- Do something meaningful.
- Do something helpful to others.
- Do something fun.
- Do something adventuresome.
- Do something happy.
- Do something different.
- Do something inspiring.
- Do something Good.
I don’t recommend that you try to analyze “Why?”…an endless loop of meaningless stuff pours out.
I don’t recommend that you focus on “how awful it is or was”.
I don’t recommend that you tell stories and get your friends to commiserate with you.
I don’t recommend that you suffer and hold thoughts of revenge or suffer in silence.
I do recommend that you get on with life.
Waste no time in getting up to dance.
Linger not one moment longer in fear and worry.
Stop prolonging the choice to change and choose to step into life again.
Yes, I am more coach than support.
I too have been there….but I do not stay any longer than I am willing and able.
Yes, support has its function and thank goodness for those who support us.
It is true that I go to God, to good, to inspiration, to Love, to blessings to change my mind and my life!
I love you and me and we and all humanity.
Often we wait to legislate, get agreement and others to join before we choose again for what we really want to do and be and say and choose.
I am encouraging all of us to JUST DO IT!
- Encouraging you to get out of the shadows and into the Light.
- Stop lingering in past darkness and step into de Light.
- Nurture your happiness and move away from the pain.
- You learn life’s lessons more easily when you realize pain has no gain.
Betty Lue