Monday, August 08, 2011

Be Where You Want to Be

Are you living someone else’s fantasy?
Are you living the life that used to be?
Are you choosing to be happy and free?
Choose to be where you want to be?

Do you stay because you are obligated?
Do you make choices based on fear?
Do you respect your own values?
Do you make decisions when you are clear?

Personalities are unpredictable.
Circumstances change.
Emotions cause unreliable behavior.
Addictions cause confusion.

Do you leave too soon?
Do you stay too long?
Do you allow others to make choices for you?
Do you fear making mistakes?

Only you know what is Best for You!
Only you can listen to your heart’s desire.
Only you can explore your unlimited choices.
Only you can listen beneath the many voices of the past.

How do we choose when we are afraid to lose?
How do we know what is real rather than all we feel?
How can we tell what leads to heaven or hell?
How can we find out freedom  is what life is truly about?

We have free will to choose, to create, to be, to see what is.
We can step away from conforming to anyone else’s ideas or choices.
We can take full responsibility for our own happiness with no guilt or blame.
We can dare to live the dream that calls us home to inner peace and lasting joy.

History may teach us “no pain, no gain.”
But those teachers believed in pain.
Memories may tell us to be careful of hurting others.
But sacrificing ourselves may cause us pain and problems.

We are responsible for setting ourselves free to be.
We are responsible for choosing our happiness.
We are responsible for creating our lives.
We are responsible for listening to our hearts.

Trusting you to choose what is best for you,
Betty Lue