What do you see when you look at our picture?
More importantly, what do you imagine or project?
What you see is what you believe.
What you believe is what you make true for you.
Some people imagine the worst so they can feel better than.
Some people make up stories from their own experience so they can feel the same.
Some people make ups fantasies and wishful thinking, so they can believe.
Some people make up stories of admiration, so they learn and heal.
To learn what is true, you need to ask, listen and observe.
To reveal what is possible, you need to be open, understanding and willing.
To receive value from anyone, you need to respect and trust what is shared.
To benefit from your admiration and appreciation, you need to remember:
What you can see in another is also in you! (or you would not be able to see it.)
When we assume we know, we are usually mistaken.
When we make up what we want to be, we are often wrong.
When we fear the worst, we deceive ourselves.
When we expect the best, we may help it be or be disappointed.
I know the Love and Goodness are in YOU.
I know this because I always know the Love and Goodness in me.
I remember you are healing, because my life is revealing what seeks to be healed.
I trust you want to love and be loved, because I know the Love in You.
Love created you as Love for the holy purpose of Loving.
When you have forgotten this, you have forsaken your true Self.
You are here to heal your forgetfulness and remember the Love in You.
When you forgive yourself for forgetting to Love, you will be the Love You Are.
The Light you see in me is also in you.
The Love you feel shining through us is waiting for you to shine your light, too!.
The willingness to shine is the remembering to shine on everyone all the time.
There is no reason to withhold your Love or forsake the Love You are.
The Light you feel I share with you is also shining on me.
The Gratitude and Joy I feel comes from loving the life I have created for me to live.
The lessons I learn, the purpose I serve, the enjoyment I have all comes from me.
I have chosen to fully appreciate this life and its healing, adventure and creativity.
Our home is a reflection of how we feel about ourselves.
Our relationships are a reflection of how willing we are to Love.
Our finances are a reflection of how well we respect and utilize what we have.
Our work is a reflection of what we value and how we use our time and energy.
Our play and recreation is a reflection of how much joy we want to have.
Our beliefs are a reflection of what we want to have in our lives.
Healing is revealing the Light and Love within!
Loving you and me and all as one,
Betty Lue