We have a relationship which I value.
I have a covenant with mySelf and Source to Love.
Therefore I have chosen to daily write these Loving Reminders.
They represent my choice to always and only Love.
They are symbolic of my value for our relationship.
They are my holy and healing purpose to remember Love.
They remind me (and you) to never quit on Love.
They represent my desire to be truly helpful to everyone.
My affirmation is that they continue to provide loving reminders to all who receive them.
I trust they inspire and facilitate all relationships to be respectful, responsible and c-creative.
I intend that they remind us all of our real reason for being….to remember Love.
I encourage all of us to take time and space to remember why it is we are here.
This Morning’s “Aha” moment:
Have you noticed how it feels to stop loving?
Have you noticed how it feels to withhold love?
Have you experienced what it feels like to judge, condemn and criticize another?
Have you paid attention to what happens to you when you are angry, resentful, hateful and hostile?
When we feel awful, we tend to blame the other for our feelings.
When we feel sad or mad, we have learned to accuse the object of our feelings.
When we are hurting, lonely, or distressed, we seem to always look outside ourselves.
When we are judging or critical, we usually feel tired, depressed, or drained.
What if our projections onto the “other” are mistaken?
What if our bad feelings come simultaneously with our negative thoughts?
What if we are the cause of our own sad, mad, depressed and tired feelings?
What if whenever we withhold love from anyone for any reason, we feel bad?
If our whole purpose in Being is to Love, when we stop loving, it may feel like killing ourselves or dying a little.
If our holy purpose in being is healing all blocks to Love.... when we add blocks, we feel pain.
If our whole reason for being in relationship is to remember always and only to love........ when we forget, we may feel alone and separate and afraid.
If our true calling is to reach out with love and forgive all errors,..... when we fail, we may be mad, sad, depressed or discouraged.
Let’s stop blaming anyone for how we feel.
Let’s start forgiving ourselves for forgetting.
Let’s stop denying the Love within.
Let’s start sharing the Love we have with everyone.
We don’t need a reason to Love.
We don’t need to feel good to Love.
We don’t need attraction to Love.
We don’t need reciprocation to Love.
I simply Love You,
Because I AM.
Because I can.
Because I am Love.
Betty Lue