Are you dumping your toxic material on someone you love?
Are you leaving your waste material in your family or work place?
Do you get upset, frustrated and impatient with the people around you?
Are you demanding, threatening and making others feel responsible?
When we have “puke” and “poop”, we need to dump it in private.
When we have undigested material, the waste from what did not nourish and nurture us, we need to let go.
When we unload on friends and family, we need to realize we are loading them up with negativity stuff.
When we unleash our pet peeves, complaints, resentment and hurts on others, we are hurting them.
Dumping garbage is necessary.
However dumping it in someone’s lap, on their table, or in their psyche is not healthy for anyone.
Dumping must be done in a healing manner, where no one eats your “poop”.
Yes, our culture seems to take privileges and think it is “right and necessary” to make others sick.
What you give your receive.
What you do to your brothers, you do to yourself.
Dumping on others teaches them to dump on you.
We must learn to take out our own garbage.
We must learn in our relationships to handle our own upsets.
We must learn to set a tone of gentility, kindness and respect.
We must learn to give (always and only) what we want to receive.
Children tattle on each other.
Children blame one another.
Children try to get even.
Children run away in shame or blame someone else.
Conscious adults take responsibility for their own upset.
Conscious people teach by example.
Conscious people talk to others always and only with respect.
Conscious people give what they want to receive.
Yes, we have all been hurt by others’ words and behavior…..
· Because it pushes our buttons.
· Because it reminds us of childhood unhealed stuff.
· Because we take it personally.
· Because it is not what we want to hear.
· Because it doesn’t not meet our expectations.
· Because we don’t like it.
· Because we don’t agree.
· Because we believe they are attacking us.
· Because we don’t understand and take it the “wrong” way.
· Just because……..
When we are willing to do our own work.
When we want to heal our upset.
When we believe that it is good to know where we are vulnerable.
When we take responsibility
When we love enough to only give our very best.
When we have the skills and willingness to process our own emotions.
When we learn there is a better way to dump..
Then we will excuse ourselves to a place of privacy and process our own stuff.
We will sit and journal all our thoughts and feelings.
We may go to exercise, to sweat and breate out our unexpressed feelings.
We may talk to someone trained in helping us release. “flush the cosmic toilet”.
We may find a secluded place to shout and scream or weep and ask for forgiveness.
We may pray for guidance and read healing and inspiring material.
We may go for a walk or meditate.
We may give to someone who needs us.
We may forgive all the past experiences of behaviors we allowed to hurt our feelings.
We may forgive our parents and others for not defending, for judging and blaming.
We must forgive ourselves for letting anyone or anything hurt us.
When we take others words and behaviors personally, we believe they are hurting us.
When in truth, they are hurting and dumping on us.
In truth, the criticism and attack is always about the critic and attacker.
When we understand others’ dumps are about their own pain and misguided dumping, we will learn to step out of the way.
When we hear another’s pain, if we are able and willing to flush the toilet, we will listen and love them anyway.
If we are vulnerable to their toxic material, we will excuse ourselves and heal our own vulnerability.
When we return to love and peace, we can listen with love and support the other in their healing.
Loving you and me by releasing, forgiving and letting it all go in the healing light of LOVE.
Loving you,
Betty Lue
Do It Anyway
People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you.
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy it all overnight.
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough.
Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God.
It was never between you and them anyway.