How do you touch lives?
How do you receive the gift of others Presence?
I believe that first we need to “feel” touched and taught and inspired by others.
Those who shine their light really bright remind us how to love, simply and gracefully.
Each one we encounter either is sharing their light or calling for light.
Someone asked me to share my experiences this last four days.
I will share with you about the bellman, the Starbucks coffee woman, the students in my classroom, the coordinator for the conference and myself.
When I first came into the hotel, a bellman was standing by the elevators, just waiting.
He greeted me with a big smile and asked, “May I help you?”
I responded with a smile of gratitude and said, “Thanks. Got it handled.”
A few minutes later, it was he who brought the luggage into our room, again with a big smile.
His warmth and willingness to be truly helpful touched me and taught me to appreciate every gift.
We must never be too busy or too self sufficient to appreciate each gift of genuine kindness.
The coffee lady greeted me in early at 6AM with warmth and some happy talk between us. We enjoyed each other in that simple way when we share the early morning hours with a family member.
It was a moment of natural intimacy and easy connection.
And again in the afternoon when we met again, I inquired about when she would be done for the day.
She responded like we were friends, because indeed we were. In that simple, brief heartfelt sharing and caring, we had a holy moment, a healing encounter of Love, respect and appreciation.
The students in our early morning 6:30-7:30AM workshop with a focus on Daily Holistic Renewal
Blessed me with their Love and appreciation. Each one simply in fully receiving the gifts I shared, honored valued and inspired me. Sometimes all it takes is to show up, pay attention and enjoy what is being given.
The coordinator for the conference has become my friend over the years. Very few words are emailed or spoken. A hug and smile are shared at the end of the conference. Both of us appreciate and respect the other. We feel and know our high regard for the work and the contribution each of us is making. It is a mutual respect and high regard that bond our relationship and bless our lives.
There are many more and when our hearts our open we can see and feel the blessings both given and received.
We are here to touch and teach one another how much we love, trust and respect one another.
Life at its essence is simple and perfect in its opportunities for remembering.
Only Love matters. All else will fade away.
It is the Love we give that we receive .
And so it is only important that we remember Love.
Loving you and appreciating how you bless and inspire my Life,
Betty Lue