“All I give is given to myself.”
How I treat others is how I teach them to treat me and themselves.
The way I live and love and give is my teaching to everyone everywhere.
I am creating the world I want for myself and others.
“Love your neighbor as yourself.”
When we practice the Golden Rule with our family, friends and others, we feel good and loving.
When we love others as we want to be loved and respected, we increase love and respect in our world.
When we give our best, we appreciate ourselves and expand our givingness.
To love ourselves well teaches others to do the same.
To love ourselves with what is truly “best” for us, is to demonstrate making wise choices.
To love ourselves with respect, trust and integrity, is to encourage our self actualization and success.
To love ourselves with forgiveness, affirmation and inspiration increases vitality, creativity and kindness.
True loving is not selfish or exclusive.
True giving loses nothing and gives to the giver.
True wisdom teaches all. And enlightens the wise one.
True forgiveness blesses all with the freedom to choose again.
Life is meant to be lived consciously and with constant improvement.
When we awaken to our place in life, we realize the difference we are making.
When we aspire to live our potential, we seek for only what benefits everyone.
When we make decisions based on what inspires and blesses all, we always benefit.
We are all in this together, you and I. The One I seek is that which I Am.
You are the reflection of me, so that I might be always Good to me and you.
“I AM You and You are Me.
In this world, all I see
Is the WE that I AM.
So let us forever remember….
Wherever WE go,
Whatever WE do,
Always Know
I AM You loving You.
And so this Truth
Will set us free
To forever be loving
The One I see.”
Nurturing One nurtures all.
I am loving You and me as One.
Betty Lue