What Can We Do About It?
Do we encourage change or fear it?
Do we seek to improve what is or avoid and deny it?
Do we think “out of the box” or tolerate what is in place?
Do we seek the best solution or settle for what is comfortable?
Every wrong is asking for a better way.
Every mistake asks for correction.
Every hurt is calling for help.
Every question invites honest answers.
Every criticism calls for respectful and neutral response.
“Thank you for caring and sharing your opinions with me.”
Critics are always talking about themselves.
Criticism needs no defense.
Blame is guilt projected outward denying our own responsibility and call for self correction.
Words of fear call for kind reassurance.
Words of anger call for listen for how to be truly helpful.
Words of hurt call for healing forgiveness.
Words of resentment are a request for making amends.
My world perspective is that people have become disrespectful, irresponsible and self-serving.
This world view is calling me to increase my level of respect with thoughts, words and deeds.
My perspective is inviting me to forgive my judgments and separation and be the change I want to see.
This “complaint” is inviting me to action, to demonstrate and live what I value.
Therefore I am choosing to respect myself, my ideas, gifts and contributions more.
I am choosing to be fully responsible for the world I see as well as my own piece of humanity.
I am choosing to make the changes within and with others that will demonstrate my value for respect, responsibility and cooperation.
I am choosing to be a team player and listen to others positive ideas and encourage their implementation.
I am choosing to clean up every part of the world I see in my own home and work place, on the street, in public bathrooms and wherever I perceive help is needed.
I am choosing to speak up when I see the need to be helpful or make some improvement or correction.
I am choosing to fully appreciate those who take responsibility for quality service and communication.
I am choosing to express my gratitude and respect for those who actively seek to improve their relationships with respectful communication and conscious cooperation.
I am choosing to be a role model for all those around me.
I am choosing to take the best care I am able for all I have and all I give and all I do.
I know each one of us can be the change we want to see.
I know every one has a piece of healing the whole world.
I know we all hold a part of the greater Good for the Good of All.
I know we can: we need only to be happily willing.
And this is Good,
Betty Lue