Idle Time Is Idol Time.
Whatever we idolize fills our idle time.
When they say “Idle time is the Devil’s workshop.”, they are saying we waste time on meaningless stuff.
When we use our time unwisely, we may get ourselves lost or in trouble.
The value of using our time wisely and well is that we must set our intention and be willing to focus.
Some folks find they need down time….time to do nothing and renew themselves.
This works only if their intention and focus is on self renewal.
When we simply let the choices of others or the winds of fate direct our course, we may be bedeviled.
When we allow unconscious habits, popular thinking or unhealthy influences direct us, we get lost.
I fill my time 24/7 with meaningful activities.
My time, resources and energy are valuable to me.
I use them wisely and well and am grateful for the gift.
My preference is to use love and happiness as my barometer.
When I am feeling happy and in love, I know I am on purpose.
When I feel unhappy, bored, depleted or depressed, I know I allowed myself to be misguided.
When I feel sad or mad, hurt or afraid, I know I let my mind wander into trouble.
Like a toddler finding danger, difficulty and scary situations, the mind may go on unhealthy adventures.
Idle time is letting your mind tempt you to go toward addictions, distractions and procrastination.
When I am using my time wisely and well, with no interference, I am happy and fulfilled.
When I am not fulfilled and happy, it is usually because I have wasted my time on meaninglessness.
When I value myself and my gifts, I use everything I am and do and have for meaningful activities.
Whether reading, resting, meditating, inner listening, in prayer or contemplation, I can commit to Good.
Whether watching TV, communicating on the phone or internet, I can use my gifts to Love and be loved.
Whether cooking, cleaning, or childcare, I can give all acts of service with my blessings and gratitude.
Whether working, driving, shopping or paying bills, I can live all my life with happiness and fulfillment.
I can choose what I enjoy.
I can choose what I do.
I can choose how I live.
I can choose what is valuable or valueless.
I prefer to fill my life from early morning to bedtime with meaningful and service-oriented activities.
Even when I watch TV, I appreciate and enjoy what I am watching.
Even when I am doing mundane tasks, I focus with appreciation on what I am doing.
Even when I am sleeping, I dedicate my sleeping hours to renewal of Self and service to All.
How can you transform your time into a rich tapestry of great Beauty, Love and Joy?
How can you even when sitting, focus on Good and expand the Good with your intention?
How can you give to yourself in ways that heal, grow and inspire you to be All that you are?
How can you give your time, energy and resources to fulfill your Holy Promise to yourself?
You have been given the gift of life.
Use it consciously for the Good of All,
Betty Lue