April 1 is April Fool’s Day.
Mercury is in retrograde.
We are in the process of moving.
Comcast has cut off our internet service to this home.
(We transferred our service to begin 4/9, our moving date. I am sure it will be reinstated today.)
And life is Good.
Nothing and no one can keep us from loving and creating All good for All.
We are enjoying the warm weather and the crickets outside last night.
We are appreciating the opportunity to serve and be servcd.
While we pack boxes, line drawers and shelves, we continue to do all our regular activities.
Our home is listed for sale and will be painted in neutral colors as soon as it is empty.
Everyday is balanced with productivity, service and gratitude.
Yesterday we chaperoned two kindergarten classes to Crab Cove in Alameda for education and fun.
My life is a living prayer.
Every thought, word and deed is dedicated to healing, expansion and inspiration.
I am here to see Good, be Good, do Good and have only Good.
Wherever I am, whatever I do, I do it with faith it all will be used as a blessing of Love and Goodness.
This is the practical choice I make knowing that what I give I receive.
What I have expands with my appreciation.
What I think or imagine I am creating.
My mind automatically erases everything that is not wholly true and truly Loving for All.
I am consistently choosing to think, speak and act for the Highest Good of All.
I fully appreciate the Good I have, the Good I do and the Good I AM.
My life works for the Good of All.
What would it take to change our minds so that every moment we know only blessings of Good?
What would we need to remind ourselves that we are each gifts of Love here to be given?
What would life be if we chose to remember and appreciate the Love that is within us?
What could we believe, receive and achieve if we simply lived as a blessing of Love?
The blessings of Love always are.
The blessing I Am already is.
The blessings I give are gifts to All, including myself.
My life is a blessing.
Life is meant to be a living prayer.
Life is an expression of our consciousness.
Life is a gift of discovering the joy of Love.
Life is an opportunity to be a Loving Reminder.
Grateful to be Loving You,
Betty Lue