Are you working for You or are you working for someone or something else?
Are you working for your Good or to get by?
Are you giving life your best or hoping life gives you the best?
Are you working on avoiding, stopping or fixing something or working to be your best?
What we work for will be the result of our work?
Who we work for will be the boss or authority in the work we do?
Do you work for money or let your money work for you?
We can see ourselves as slaves to our job and bills or letting our life work for us and support us.
When it is time to go to “work”, are you excited about what you “get” to do?
Are you curious about what new you will learn or contribute today to someone or some project?
Are you open and willing to see how you can start alive, alert and super conscious?
Are you happy to be learning, growing, contributing and giving wherever you are called?
Life can be a chore or a boar.
Life can be a heaven or a hell.
Life can be a gift or a curse.
Life can be an opportunity or obligation.
We have a choice about how we perceive what we do each day.
We can see it all as effort and trial or expansion and blessing.
We can give ourselves credit and kudos or criticism and demerits.
We can enjoy each moment and what it brings or we can avoid the lessons, challenges and learning.
Let us consider the possibility that our real work is unique to us.
As we work for Good, we receive Goodness.
As we work for Love, we receive Love.
As we work with Joy, we experience Joy.
Life is as positive as we create it to be.
Life is a journey and adventure into realizing our strength, power and potential.
Use your life well and you will be well.
Use your mind and attitude to heal the past and look with joy on today.
I am loving us all as we do the work we have volunteered to be and do.
Bless you,
Betty Lue