Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Does My World Need From Me?

So much fear and sorrow!
Too much pain and tragedy.
Separation, loss, attack and violence.
Tumultuous times with intense change.

All of this is a call for LOVE.

How does Love look?
What does Love say?
How does Love respond?

More Love means: 

More inner peace.
More trust.
More tolerance.
More honesty.
More patience.
More defenselessness.
More gentleness.
More open-mindedness.
More kindness.
More faithfulness.
More joy.

When in doubt, love more.

When we withdraw our love, fear increases for all.
When we judge or criticize, love is limited and peace diminishes.
When we deny love to anyone by using guilt or blame, our world seems darker.

This is the temporary land of mistakes, illusions, forgetfulness, unconsciousness, stuckness……..
Everyone is here to learn.

We only learn as much as we are willing to learn without fear of abandonment or punishment.
When we are afraid of retribution, we try to be perfect and pretend to be “right”.

Our need to be right is a defense against the Truth.
Our pretense to be perfect is our denial of fear.

Our real need is to be happy.
Our real truth is we are remembering to Love.

My world needs my unconditional Love.

My world needs me to forgive and Love my Self unconditionally.
When I am fully and consciously loving, trusting and respecting me, I can fully Love others.
When I a truly unconditionally Loving others, fear diminishes and Love returns.

All is well.
Loving you and mea and all humanity as we remember Love and return to Wholeness.
Betty Lue

The more I love, trust and respect myself, the more I love, trust and respect others.
The more I love, trust and respect myself, the more others love, trust and respect me.
The more I love, trust and respect myself, the more others love, trust and respect themselves.
The more I love, trust and respect myself, the more others love, trust and respect others.

The 12 Principles of Attitudinal Healing

1.       The essence of our being is love.
2.       Health is inner peace, healing is letting go of fear.
3.       Giving and receiving are the same.
4.       We can let go of the past and of the future.
5.       Now is the only time there is, and each instant is for giving.
6.       We can learn to love ourselves and others by forgiving rather than by judging.
7.       We can become love finders rather than fault finders.
8.       We can choose and direct ourselves to be peaceful inside, regardless of what is happening outside.
9.       We are students and teachers to each other.
10.    We can focus on the whole of life, rather than the fragments.
11.    Since love is eternal, change need not be viewed as fearful.
12.    We can always perceive others as either extending love or giving a call for help.

Attitudinal Healing
 affirms that we are responsible for our thoughts and whatever feelings we experience.
Attitudinal Healing encourages us to re-examine our relationships, bringing them into the present by releasing past judgments and grievances.
Attitudinal Healing reminds us that perception is a mirror of what is in our mind.