Sunday, March 27, 2011

Alone Time

All four little grandchildren ( 3-5 yr olds and one 4 yr. old) are in our bedroom watching cartoons, so their Daddy and 12 yr. old Gia can sleep in.
Here I am listening within and writing to you from a computer on our dresser.
Having time to yourself is important.
Learning to use the bathroom for listening within, being focused on whatever activity in which you are engaged and breathing quietly to quiet and focus your mind is important.
Use the precious time before you fall asleep and when you first awaken in the morning to focus on intention, be grateful and listen within for what is good for all concerned.

In this world of ADD and ADHD, attention deficit disorder and attention hyperactive disorder, we need to practice focusing.
We all need quiet time.
We need to spend time alone day-dreaming, imagining, visioning and meditating.
When we learn to quiet an over active mind, we learn the art of mindfulness.
In the mindful state, we are awake and aware.
We have a clear and focused mind which we can use to enjoy, be grateful, listen within for inner direction, to pray and affirm, to simply be at peace, to create new possibilities.

Life challenges us with its many distractions, disappointments and disturbances.
We have the potential to bypass and move through and around them to find a place of clarity and peace.

Now as I was writing, ………. (Many interruptions or “on purposes” from the children during this time)
We may need to wait or pause or move around the distractions and make the distractions our meditation. 
Often in life we will be called to be present and available for the people, circumstances and “work” activities of everyday life.
It is essential that we step away from judging, resenting or wishing things were different.
We must choose to do what we can do to stay at peace and in a state of Love = Freedom+Trust.

When we pause to listen inside, we find a calming clear voice that offers healing words of wisdom.
Be at Peace child.
This too shall pass.
Share your love and Peace with everyone.
The world is blessed by your love.
Harmony follows those who extend Peace to everyone.
You are here to give Love and be happy.
Choose these three and you will know bliss.

Life works for me when I continually choose to clear judgment and fear and live in love and Peace.
Life can be fun, safe and easy.

Loving you and all as one,
Betty Lue