Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Letting Go of Fear

Fear blocks Love.
Fear constricts the flow.
Fear begets more fear.
Fear is expressed with anger, hurt, jealousy, disease, conflict, judgment and pain.

Fear is an invitation to forgive.
Fear is a call for love.
Fear is the recognition that we have forgotten.
Fear is the sign of separation from God and our Good.

When we allow ourselves to believe in the world, we are confused.
When we forsake our innocence, we will fear, judge, attack and defend.
When we lose connection with our inner Essence, we will feel alone.
When we choose to believe outer authority rather than listen within, we distrust our inner knowing.

Letting go of fear is the call for our times.
Letting go of fear is the release from guilt.
Letting go of fear is the suspension of all judgment.
Letting go of fear is the need for peace.

Love is letting go of fear.
Gratitude is the path we must travel.
Listening deeply to the voice within we find our way.
Trusting in Higher Power and greater vision and wisdom than our own is our direction.

In order to listen, we must be still.
In order to love, we must forgive.
In order to be give thanks, we must see what we appreciate.
In order to trust, we must seek what is Eternal and unchanging.

Life is an invitation to relinquish all fear and attack and travel a path of forgiveness and peace.
Life is a course to reclaim our natural innocence and love.
Life is the valuing of what is our inheritance and our holy purpose.
Life is a playground in which we must choose the way of Love.

Let us remember to be kind in our mind.
Let us choose what is fun and safe and easy for everyone.
Let us invite everyone to join us in peace.
Let us help everyone win and dance together in love.

Loving us all as one,
Betty Lue

Ten Commandments of Relationships

With mates, partners, friends, children, co-workers, etc.

Keep your agreements faithfully.
Communicate changes honestly and immediately.
Give more than you expect to receive. 

Do more than your “fair” share.
Receive everything with open appreciation.

Express your thanks sincerely and take nothing for granted.
Live your own life in integrity and on purpose.
Clarify, communicate and live your mission, your path, your principles and values.
Be responsible for yourself, your work and live your life impeccably. 

Don’t expect others to pick up after you or take care of you.
Stop using, blame, criticism or guilt to control or manipulate.
Stop making demands, threats or using neediness to get your way.
Communicate effectively and respectfully.

Request a time and place and tone of voice that works for both parties.
Be your best self in all circumstances.

Focus always on teaching by example.
Apologize immediately when you forget or neglect.
Use your time together wisely.

Focus on meaningful, positive and inspiring conversation and activities.
Spend time, money and resources only on what you value and want to increase.

Waste nothing in your relationship.
No arguing, pettiness, emotional dumping or negativity.

There are many more agreements which I encourage you and your partner to write together.
I encourage all parties to take time to re-evaluate your agreements monthly or on a regular basis.
As circumstances change, there is a need to re-commit to what works for all participants.
Families need to meet to look at the specific needs of each individual to be at their best.
Couples need to ensure that the relationship is “serving all parties.”
Business partners need to return to their original agreement and consider changing roles as needed.

Life requires that we be in relationship.
With respect for ourselves and each other there is open communication.
With responsibility for the quality of our relationships, there is a willingness to seek what works for all.
With cooperation there is encouragement to listen for ways to serve the needs of everyone.
When everyone WINS, the relationships are harmonious, peaceful and enjoyable.

Betty Lue Lieber, PhD. MFT 2010