Fear begets fear.
Love begets Love.
Wholeness begets wholeness.
Divine Order is in recognizing that I am creating the world I see.
When I am responsible for the feelings I have, I claim the images I see.
When I am responsible for the beliefs I hold, I own the projections I make.
When I am responsible for my own healing, I reveal the natural wholeness and holiness.
When I trust, respect and love my true Self, I see, trust, respect and love yours.
When we hold pain in our minds, we have pain in emotions and thoughts.
When we hold fear in our minds, we have fear in our bodies and feelings.
When we are remembering past history, we may unconsciously attract similar experiences.
When we are resisting and avoiding past similar, we may find them before us to be healed.
To reveal is to heal.
To conceal is to hold against ourselves.
To become aware with forgiveness and love is to initiate the natural healing process.
To allow ourselves to find peace with all things creates a life of love and appreciation.
From A Course in Miracles:
“Every situation, properly perceived, becomes an opportunity to heal.”
“All healing is essentially the release from fear.”
“All healing is release from the past.”
“To love yourself is to heal yourself.”
“To forgive is to heal.”
“We are made whole in our desire to make whole.”
When I seek to help another, I am seeking to forgive and heal a part of me and humanity.
Each one of us is but an aspect of the whole.
There is no separation.
What we give and pray and will to do is given to both to me and to you.
And so it is that I find myself revealing and healing in my own life all that is needed to be undone.
Life is for each of us, as one, an opportunity to reveal and heal pieces of the past.
We together can spend our life forgiving and living the best we know as reminders for one another.
All of us plays the perfect part to heal the whole of humanity.
There is so much Goodness to be revealed.
There is so much Love and appreciation to be shared.
There is so much healing and Holiness to be known.
There is so much unity and oneness to be experienced.
We are all here to remember our True Identity.
We are here to unite in love and acceptance with one another.
We are here to remember the Infinite Source of our Good.
In this we can rest and rejoice in the Blessings already present.
Loving us all as one,
Betty Lue