What is the meaning in your life?
Why are you here?
What is the value of money?
Why do anything or be anything or give anything?
Those who are stuck in getting, because they feel they are not enough, are confused.
Those who are lost in depression because they have been disappointed by life, feel lacking.
Those who are consumed with unfulfilled expectations, feel discouraged and resentful.
Those who are blaming parents, politics and God for their emptiness suffer in angry regret.
Those who are finding answers to their questions, are content to ask and receive.
Those who are exploring ways of fulfilling their desires have periods of exhilaration and gratitude.
Those who are forgiving and have compassion for others unconsciousness are beginning to awaken.
Those who are serving with a full heart, expecting nothing, are simply living in joy.
Life is about Love.
Love is about Service.
Service is about Trust.
Trust is about being Free.
When we are free and trusting, we know love and share our freedom and trust with others.
When we are free and trusting, we love living, loving and giving freely to those who are open.
When we are free and trusting, we listen within and respond to the call to love in unique ways.
When we are free and trusting, we listen deeply to the needs of others and respond with trust.
Philosophical Logic:
Love created us as Love for the purpose of creating Love.
Unconditional Love created unconditional Love for the holy purpose of sharing unconditional Love.
Omnipresence and Omniscience created the same in us to be used for Love.
The All Powerful Creator of All That Is created Itself in us to be used for Holy Purposes.
I forgive us for assigning unholy, weak and limiting purposes to ourselves.
I forgive myself for forgetting Who and What and Why I AM.
I forgive the limiting beliefs and subservient thoughts of humanity
I forgive all judgments and awaken to the awareness of the Good in All That Is.
Are you willing to release yourself from limitation, doubt and fear?
Are you willing to try on the mantle of Being the Creative Good in your Life?
Are you open to assigning your self with the job, the holy work of Love?
Are you forgiving all teachings and lessons of fear and returning to the Healing Power of Love?
Perhaps life is far more simple, fun, safe and easy than we realize, when we remember to Love?
Loving you and me and all humanity as we awaken to LOVE!
Betty Lue