Are you a whiner and a complainer?
Do you find petty things to “bitch” about?
Are you someone who looks for what is wrong?
Do you criticize bodies and clothing, politics and authority figures, family members and life in general?
Do you give thanks and full appreciation?
Do you find little things to rejoice in and complement?
Are you someone who looks for the blessings in everything?
Do you enjoy everything that life brings into your life?
Those who complain are dependent upon the externals to be happy, so they are disappointed and sad.
Those who appreciate their lives and express gratitude to others are truly happy and fulfilled.
Those who find lessons, blessing, gifts and value in their lives are positive, conscious and creative.
Those who feel cursed, unlucky and victimized in their lives are negative, unconscious and stuck.
Each of us has learned by those in our families and associations and media how to perceive our world.
We each choose a path of appreciation or a path of negativity.
We wear our inner perceptions on our face and in our physiology.
We express our path, joy or disappointment, with our words and cause fear and failure.
It might seem some are doomed to failure and tragedy.
It might seem some are simply lucky or blessed to have Good in their lives.
When looking deeper, we will find the blessed simply perceive their circumstances differently.
When listening to the stories, we find the blessed look for the Good.
When you look at your life, are you judging and critical?
When you look at your relationships, are you demanding and petty?
When you look at your work and your money, are you needy and fearful?
When you look at yourself are you picky, resigned and self pitying?
When you look at the story of your life, do you feel amazed and blessed?
When you look at your relationships, do you feel open and appreciative?
When you look at your work and money, do you feel content and secure?
When you look at your whole self, do you feel happy with who and what you are?
Those who appreciate grow in faith and love and confidence.
Those who denigrate increase in distrust, fear and self doubt.
We can choose to change our minds, our thoughts, our attitudes, our beliefs and our attitudes.
Choose what is best for you.
Loving you, Betty Lue
You Are A Flower in the Garden of Life
If you would grow to be your best self
Be patient, not demanding
Accepting, not condemning
Nurturing, not withholding
Self-marveling, not belittling
Gently guiding, not pushing & punishing
For you are more sensitive than you know
Mankind is tough as war
Yet delicate as flowers
We can endure agonies
But we open fully only to warmth & light
And our need to grow is fragile as a fragrance
Dispersed by storms of will
To return only when those storms are still
So accept, respect,
Attend your sensitivity
A flower
Cannot be opened
With a hammer