Friday, January 14, 2011

Limits and Boundaries

Have we allowed too much freedom to those who have no values, boundaries or consciousness?
Does Freedom to say and do what we want when we want created what we don’t want?
Have we given license to those who are asleep and irresponsible thinking it would create responsibility?
Has entitlement created lack of civility?

Has the media followed society’s demands or created the demand in society?
Are we as a culture copied what we see and hear in the news and media?
Are we giving access to violence, war, and disaster via media to create the images in our minds?
Is there a way we can and must stop the continuance of what is sick, dangerous and crude?

Are we doing anyone a favor by allowing rudeness to prevail?
Are we helping our children by giving them more toys, privileges and choices without responsibility?
Are we indulging ourselves and our children believing we are being loving?
Are we lost in consumption of food, clothing, toys, technology, media and creating addiction?

Has the pendulum moved to an excess of excess and addiction to what is dysfunctional and sick?
Are we in need of boundaries for work and play, recreation and relationships?
Are there any rules or standards, guidelines or programs for families, education, politics, religious practice?
Can we take back our mis-creations with forgiveness and encourage “do-overs”?

I acknowledge and appreciate my parent’s parenting.
I can see what I believed and practiced as a parent.
I forgive myself for my errors and unconsciousness.
I take responsibility for allowing those who were unconscious to have total freedom.

I believe without condemnation or blame, guilt or regret you and I can make a difference.
Children and adults need to be carefully and respectfully taught.
It requires “showing up, paying attention, telling the truth, and detaching from the outcome.”
I ask us all to live the values we seek to teach.

Let us remind one another (beginning first with ourselves) to:
Earn what we receive with work and service to others.
Spend appreciative time with the arts (music, art, literature, performances of theater and dance, etc.).
Learn about other peoples, nations, religions, lifestyles and Universal differences and similarities.
Discipline ourselves to clear addictions and unhealthy habits, study and practice for excellence.
Heal ourselves of leftover mistakes, false beliefs and limiting patterns.
Take full responsibility for the quality of our lives, our homes, our work and our relationships.
Be willing to heal and grow in kindness, respect, integrity, open-mindedness, gratitude and faith.
Stop feeding what is wrong, harmful, lacking integrity, selfish, and rude with our attention or allowance.
Say “No” to what may be harmful to anyone now or in the future.
Say “Yes” to what is beneficial for all.
Be willing to stand strong for the Highest and Best for each individual rather than giving in.
Be resilient and flexible when faced with challenging situations, holding the highest vision.
Choose with wisdom and respect for our inner guidance, seeking always the highest Good.
Listen within for creative solutions where no one loses.

Life can be fun, safe and easy when we each take responsibility for our healing and holy part.
Life can be fun, safe and easy when we stop being sloppy, lazy and unconscious.
Life can be fun, safe and easy when we are willing to respond with honesty, integrity and faith.
Life can be fun, safe and easy when we live, and share the values we know work for all.

Loving us all in our willingness to choose again,
Betty Lue