To bless is to see things differently.
To bless is to clear the past.
To bless is to respond with Love.
To bless is to behold the Good, the Beauty and the Wholeness.
When we bless our world, we are willing to release stories of lack of Love.
When we bless our homes, we are expressing gratitude for our place of sanctuary.
When we bless our work, we are appreciative of having a place to contribute.
When we bless our lives, we are consciously loving ourselves and how we live.
When we bless someone who sneezes, we are seeing them well.
When we bless someone in need, we are giving them our unconditional love.
When we bless a newborn or a new home, we consecrate it with the highest Vision for Good.
When we offer our blessing we acknowledge the power of our will, our vision and our Love.
Yes, blessings are powerful.
Blessings are healing.
Blessings are reminders.
Blessing are invaluable gifts.
Blessings cost nothing, but give everything to the giver and receiver.
Blessings open the way to new possibilities for all involved.
Blessings may be seen as protection, but really provide inspirational direction.
Blessings are a gift from the Good Self, the God Self, within all of us.
Blessings are gifts of conscious choice.
Blessings give explicit voice to what is True.
Blessings allow all to benefit.
Blessings create no regrets.
Consider giving your blessings to your day.
Give blessings to your home and your neighborhood.
Offer your blessings to those you encounter (whether you think they need it or not!)
Contribute your blessings to all those places that offer benefit to you and to others.
When you are at a loss, give your blessing.
When you don’t know what to do or say, offer a blessing.
When you are confused and undecided, bless the situation.
When you are feeling unhealthy physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, relationally, bless yourself and those involved.
Blessing you and your life and blessing me and mine, gives us all the Good we share as One,
Betty Lue