Have you looked in the mirror recently?
Do you smile or frown?
Do you look people in the eyes or turn away?
Do you walk with your shoulders back or slumped?
The way you show up wearing your body and your clothes clues others as to how you feel about yourself.
The way you look at people is perceived as how you feel about them: welcoming or annoyed.
The way you talk and your tone of voice clues others into your current energy level.
The words you speak tell others what you might be interested in or caring about.
We are always teaching others by our thoughts, our words and our actions.
We are always telling on ourselves with our comments, criticisms and conversation.
We are always sharing our feelings with our attitude, inflection, facial expression.
There is so much being conveyed through all aspects of our physiology.
Do you care about yourself?
Do you like who you are?
Do you appreciate your life?
Do you feel good about what you have achieved, created and given?
How do you let it show?
Do you care about others?
Do you like who they are?
Do you appreciation their life choices?
Do you feel good about what they have achieved, created and contributed?
How do you let them know?
When we are self critical, we will wear it in our expression, tone, body language.
When we are critical of others, they hear it in our attitude, languaging, eye contact, etc.
When we don’t like sometime, others will know.
When we are obtuse and indirect, others can make up whatever is in their consciousness.
If you are needy, others know.
If you are greedy, others pick it up.
If you are stingy, others can tell.
If you are don’t care, other get the message.
When folks get you are turned off, tuning out, self absorbed or just plain unconscious, they leave you alone.
When folks feel criticized, unappreciated, ignored or devalued, they feel hurt and unloved.
When folks feel excluded, set aside, not useful, they feel they don’t belong.
When folks feel you are hurting, in trouble or angry, they may not know how to be helpful.
When we keep our own counsel and heal our own wounds, we can respond to others needs appropriately.
When we love and appreciate ourselves fully, no matter what the circumstance, we are truly loving to others.
When we care for our own needs first and give from our fullness, we do not seek to get anything in return.
When we are happy, whole and fulfilled, we are at peace and can be truly helpful to others.
Love yourself today….mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Betty Lue