Monday, November 29, 2010

Are Your Emotions Misleading You?

Emotions are viewed as truth by many.
I see emotions as energy moving through us to be used for good.
acknowledge the use of this energy is shaped by my unconscious and conscious thoughts.
I choose to use my energies for the highest good and let my inner guidance direct my thoughts and words.

Many people trust their feelings to lead what they say and do.

Many proponents of emotionally based living seem to believe that all emotions are true.
When we let our emotions guide our thoughts, words and deeds, we may find ourselves in trouble.
Endless hours and years may be spent struggling with understanding and healing our emotions.

I believe emotions may be destructive or helpful.

Emotions may be toxic or healing.
Emotions may be fearful or reassuring.
Emotions may victimize or empower.

We may become victims of our own emotional state and allow fearfulness within to gain power.

Fear-based emotions distort and dissuade us from practical, positive and useful approaches. 
Emotions may color and distort our perception and common sense insight or solutions.
Emotions may be a distraction or provide clear focus on choosing for what is Good for all.

Emotions can be used to attack, manipulate and harm or be used to comfort, reassure and heal.

Emotional reactions may be used to cause guilt to control another’s behavior .
Emotional outbursts can be useful to threaten, frighten and dominate another.
Emotions can be a way to assert our power over those who are dependent on our love.

Emotions are the energy meant to fuel our positive, creative and inspirational ideas.
Emotions are demonstrating where we need to heal and clear our thinking.
Emotions show us where we have energy blocks from prior decisions made.
Emotions give us the key to heal our learned limitations and faulty beliefs.

When we are emotionally healthy, we feel joy and gratitude, love and peace.
When we are emotionally whole, we feel inspired and fulfilled.
When we have forgiven our limiting emotions, we are empowered and guided by joy.
When we at peace, our emotions fuel our inspiring thoughts and visions with Good works.

When we find our emotional state is frought with negativity and fear, we are calling for healing.
When we hear our words as being judgmental, demanding, hysterical and needy, we need to forgive.
When we notice we are sinking into depression and despair, we need to change our thinking.
When we lose our way and  higher purpose, it is a call to stop, return to love and listen within.

Don’t let your negative emotions mislead you.
Don’t allow your emotional habits to confuse You.
Don’t believe your emotional reactions can abuse you.
Change your thinking… Seek your inner Source.
Choose to be whole and happy and free.

Love your Self today.
Betty Lue

"... love cannot be far behind a grateful heart and a thankful mind. 
God enters easily, for these are the conditions for your homecoming." (M58)

You are responsible for your own happiness and inner peace.

Where we are upset (angry, hurt, afraid, judgmental), our past wounds (unhealed stuff) have been triggered.
This shows us where we have work to do.

The usual relationship habit is to try to “fix” the other person, to get them to change or stop saying or doing what has upset us.
This makes the other feel “wrong” and guilty and hurt and angry and inadequate.
This only exaggerates the problem. 

It is ineffective over the long term.

The real work is to heal our own woundedness, to clear our own buttons and heal our history and forgive allowing anything or anyone to hurt us.
When we have done our work, we can be truly effective, helpful and teach by example.

This is a big job.
It cannot be done overnight, but takes constant practice.
We must first take good care of ourselves mentally, physically, and spiritually.
Being conscious and taking impeccable care of ourselves is essential to quality relationships.

Begin now with learning to love, respect, trust and appreciate yourself.
The more you love, trust, respect and appreciate yourself, the more others will love, trust, respect and appreciate you.
The more you love, respect, trust and appreciate yourself, the more others will do the same for themselves and  for others.

You are the living example, the teacher, with everything you think, say and do.