Saturday, October 16, 2010

Comfortable or Stuck?

Are you stuck in work or in worry?
Are you stuck in fatigue or in criticism?
Are you stuck in regret or in fear?
Are you stuck in duty or demands?

Are you comfortable in misery or depression?
Are you comfortable in problems and in conflict?
Are you comfortable in pain and unhappiness?
Are you comfortable in irritation and illness?

Are you depending on someone or something to fix you and make you happy?
Are you waiting for some miracle to set you free?
Are you pretending you are fulfilled and complete for the rest of your life?
Are you hoping you will be satisfied staying comfortable?

Process (for those who choose to try it out!)
Make two thorough lists….
What limits me?
What frees me?

Two affirmations: 
(written and spoken 20 times daily for a minimum of 14 days.)
I forgive myself for limiting myself.
I trust and support myself in freeing myself.
When we are in a comfort zone, we can rest and renew ourselg.
When we are comfortable, we can fall asleep and sink into lethargy, laziness and depression.
When we attached to being comfortable, we may not listen within for inspirational guidance.
When we are stuck to habits, people, routines and responsibilities, we may lose our way.

Wake up calls come in many forms: divorce, disaster, job loss, pain, disease, upset and irritation.
Wake up calls make us uncomfortable, but show up for a reason….to wake us up to life.
We are here to have harmonious, productive and fulfilling lives.
If we get attached or stuck we neglect to consider there may be more inspiration and growth ahead.

To get ‘set in our ways’ begins to shut us down and engender laziness and stagnancy.
There is a decline in our energy and life interest when we stop learning, growing and contributing.
We continue growing stronger and wiser as we follow what inspires and fulfills us and serves others.
We can grow weaker and duller as we follow what separates and cocoons us and limits us.

Is it time for a change?
We better love and appreciate when we do not stay too long.
We can be more trusting and freeing when we let go with our blessing.
We free ourselves when we free others to live as they choose.

Letting go is fun, safe and easy when done with Love and Appreciation,
Betty Lue

The freedom for you and I to be who we are.
The freedom to live life as we do.
The freedom to make mistakes and learn from them.
The freedom to express our own truth as we see it.
The trust that there is a constant flow of love, 
no matter what.
The trust that, in spite of life’s problems, 
we believe in and support each other’s right 
to live as we choose.
The trust that in adversity, 
there is healing and learning and gifts of love.
The trust that under conflict and emotional expression,
there is love
I love you and I trust you.
I free you to be all you are.

Betty Lue 1978