Do you value your life?
Do you extend gratitude for the services you receive?
Do you share your appreciation with others?
Do you remember that your thanks are of value?
Have you wondered why services in this world are inconsistent?
Perhaps it is because we neglect to appreciate?
Have you asked yourself why partners and family members seem resentful?
Perhaps you have failed to fully express your gratitude?
Have you asked yourself why things are good and then go bad?
Perhaps it is because you hesitate to appreciate in the moment?
Have you noticed that there is often unhappiness around you?
Perhaps it is because you forgot to smile and extend your joy?
Have you observed that you get more positive attention from others than your own family?
Perhaps it is because you show up more appreciative, friendly and helpful to others?
Have you seen more disrespect in workplace and home than years ago?
Perhaps it is because we all need to become more obviously respectful of everyone all the time?
Life is not a given.
We are not victims of conditions, familiarity or relationships.
We can improve the quality of life for everyone, including ourselves.
We need to simply wake up and show up to give the best we have to everyone.
Life is our projector screen on which we can immediately see the results of our choices.
Life is the place in which we can choose to give what we want or take what we can get.
Life is the opportunity to create goodness and blessings everyone or receive what is available.
Life is a gift where we can appreciate what we value and forgive the rest, letting it go with blessing.
Become a happy appreciator of all that is good, beautiful and holy.
Become the one who transforms all relationships with your smile, your thanks, your genuine caring.
Become the person you want to be with everyone you meet.
Your choices become your voice, your way of making a positive difference in your world.
Know you are the One.
Know you can make the change you want to see.
Know your gifts are magnified every time you appreciate others.
Know you are a blessing that blesses this world with Love.
Loving you,
Betty Lue