Pay attention to what is working for you.
Appreciate all you have achieved.
Focus on the Love that you extend to others.
Stop scaring yourself with negative obsessions.
When you hear a tragic story, send words of comfort.
When you see something negative, reward what is positive.
When you make a mistake, appreciate all the ways you easily correct yourself.
When there is a physical problem, trust your body is always moving toward wellness.
When we frighten ourselves with scary thinking, we must choose to return to love.
When we allow media, gossip and past experiences to focus on danger, we must activate our focus on fun.
When we believe the hype and hysterical reactions of the fearful, we must forgive and choose again.
When we are caught in the frenzy of reacting with panic and fear, we must calm ourselves with peace.
Peace calms mind and body.
Peace reduces distress.
Peace opens the mind to creative solutions.
Peace gives us the opportunity to be conscious and able to respond.
When we scare ourselves, both mind and body contract.
When we contract with fear, anxiety and worry, we diminish the flow of good.
When we diminish the flow of life energy, we disable ourselves in thinking, speaking and acting.
When we shut down, we feel weak, powerless and dependent.
When we feel incapable and dependent, we seek outside authority or experts.
When we seek outside ourselves, we must choose those whom we trust.
When we trust and believe, we can release stress with peace and comfort and reassurance.
And once again, we can open the flow to feel creative and capable and resilient.
Whatever you need to find a place of peace and assurance, seek it.
For when our stress is diminished, creative solutions are realized.
When stress is lessened, the immune system is strengthened.
When we are at peace, we relate to others with forgiveness, compassion and gentle communication.
Life challenges us to clear the fear and return to Love.
Life gives us the opportunity to release ourselves from the grip of sensationalism in media.
Life promotes choosing between going along with the crowd or choosing a higher perspective.
Life invites us to honor our inner knowing and open the flow to Goodness, Love and wholeness.
Clear the fear and you will see all you can appreciate, love and amplify for the Good of All.
Loving You,
Betty Lue