Your heartfelt wishes continue to be a blessing to me.
The gifts of your unconditional love flow through me and lift me up.
I can see the Goodness and Beauty in all that Is.
Loving you each and all as One under the Sun.
Betty Lue
Thank You!
What you see in me is in you…..or you could not see it!
What you see is a projection of what you know within yourself.
What you see and appreciate will be strengthened in you.
What you see and believe you can achieve simply by valuing.
And so it is ….
We can become all that we dare to dream.
We can be what is in our heart/mind and fed with desire.
We can live the good life we seek, simply by giving 100%.
We are all here together.
We are here to learn from one another.
We are here to trust and free ourselves to be.
We are here to relinquish fear and attack and return to Love.
Life is a beautiful and bountiful mirror, often magnified with our willingness to focus.
When we focus on what we deem “wrong”, we have a magnified experience of the imperfections.
When we fear what we see, attack it with our criticism and condemnation, it gets stuck within us.
When we forgive, ignore, deny or turn to the light, what we want to see, we erase the perception.
Life and its experiences are co-created with our “choice”.
When we decide we want only Good, see all the Good and forgive the rest, we are blessed.
When we are determined to correct all the bad, to find the errors and fix them, we are burdened.
When we allow the light of Goodness to shine forth from our thoughts, words and deeds, we live in Joy.
Life can be a blessing or a curse.
Life can be a creation of joy or one of hardship.
Life can be a blossoming of great beauty or a hiding of ugliness.
Life can be music to the ears or the raucous sounds of suffering.
How can you and I choose to forgive all mistcreations and choose again for Goodness and Beauty?
How can we together remove our weakened stance of victimization and stand up for the Power of Good?
How can all of us forgive our misunderstandings, separation and fear of differences?
How can we give all Good to all who would receive the Good to live and create more Good for All?
You see, it all depends on you and me!
One person, one healing connection at a time.
It truly is my response ability and yours.
We can change our experiences by changing our minds.
Live, empowered by the Love You Are.
Give, prospered by the Good You Share.
Learn, awakened by the Inspiration You Share.
Earn, blessed by wealth of Wisdom You contribute.
We are all benefitted by you being the blessing in our lives,
Betty Lue