Children are our greatest teachers.
Stay awake and appreciate.
Life is filled with miracles.
In our appreciation, they grow.
As we become “adulterated” by business and staying inside our boxes, we forget to see.
As we defend ourselves against “natural occurrences” like spiders and weather, we fall asleep.
When we become too comfortable and complacent, we neglect the opportunity to be amazed.
Careful, protected and comfort seeking living numbs our senses and distorts our perceptions.
When I took group backpacking in the high sierras, many years ago, I discovered how little we see.
As a Girl Scout for almost 20 years from Brownie to leader, I learned the value of being in nature.
With summer vacations on my Grandparents dairy farm where they raised hybrid seed corn, I learned to appreciate a simpler life.
Bringing our grandchildren and adults to the Lake House offers an opportunity to live in a more natural and simple way.
As we appreciate the beauty, we see more.
As we are curious about bugs and worms, birds and deer, we are amazed.
As we swim in a lake and play in the sand, we discover the simple pleasures of imagination and play.
As we delight in feeling the wind, watching the clouds and shadows of the sun, we have more wonder.
Life is a gift of surprises, pleasures and curiosity.
Life is amazing, free and a happy place of exploration.
Life is learning and growing, daring and knowing.
Life is fun, safe and easy when seen through the vision of a child.
What will it take for us to return to our natural state?
What can we do to make all our wishes and dreams come true?
How can we be that will set everyone free?
When will be know that it is love that makes Miracles grow?
Let us release our judging minds for a holy instant.
Let us see what it feels like simply to be.
Let us know we can make beauty and happiness show.
Let us Love and appreciate all we create.
Simplistic, you may say.
Happiness need not pass away.
Innocence begets trust.
Begin to appreciate the miracle of YOU!
Loving you in your return to Love,
Betty Lue