Do you identify with your Body or Your Spirit?
Do you see yourself as your form or your function?
Do you believe your value is in your reputation or what is in your heart?
Do you trust in your finances and achievements or your intention and higher purpose?
How you feel about yourself and your life is encapsulated in what you identify as Your Self.
Where you place your attention in financial security and investment, you may fear losing money.
When you depend on those around you, you may fear losing them and their approval.
When you are guided by how others see you, you may be confused by their changeable ratings.
When I identify with my body, I see myself as separate from others.
When I believe I am a body, my focus is on my image, my weight and longevity.
When I see myself in comparison with other bodies, I judge my own and theirs as well.
When I live my life making my physical form God, I miss the true substance of my life.
Whether I identify with my body, my finances, my career, my education, my accomplishments, I step away from the I Am that is the Inner Self, the inner Resource, the Inner Calling.
When I identify with the surface of my life, I lose the Inner Essence that calls me to Unconditional Love, lasting Happiness, pervasive Inner Peace and a willingness to allow myself to Be as I Am.
When I am consumed with diets, budgets, investments, credentials, accolades, raises and how my appearance and house looks, I fall into the trance of believing my false or temporary self is who I am.
The EGO (Edging God Out) is our temporary personality, learned from the teachings and experiences we integrated into our beliefs and behaviors.
The Ego identifies with its humanness and our place in the world we see. The Ego gets very attached to being RIGHT.
The Ego is rarely truly happy or at peace, usually endlessly searching for more….more Love, more money, more energy, more approval, MORE!
The Ego takes care of our physical needs, but rarely acknowledges our inspirational needs. The Ego seek and finds lack, littleness and limitation.
The Ego has a place during our lives, but more as a servant to our Real work here.
Our Authentic Self, Our True Identity, is Unlimited, Abundant, Joyous and Free.
Our Real Self is not our body, our job, our finances nor our accomplishments.
Our True Self is the Essence, the origin of our Being. It is Love ItSelf.
It seeks only to extend Peace. It lives and has its being in Goodness.
Our Authentic Self finds meaning in living in Love and enjoying the Goodness in Life.
Our Truth is to find and be the One we are here to be, sharing the Best We Know in every moment with every One.
When I forget my inner teacher, the One who is meant to lead my life and allow the Ego to take over, I may experience, fear, guilt, grief, resentment, confusion, illness, depression and loss of meaning.
When I remember my inner guide, the One who Loves and knows and leads me back home to my Self, I may experience deep peace and contentment, clarity, natural forgiveness, healing, comfort, simplicity, direction, inspiration, wisdom and insight, enthusiasm, bliss and full enjoyment.
Which identity do you choose?
Your True Self with the help of the ego or your Ego Self with requests to your Higher Self when you are in trouble?
Loving us all in our continual freedom to choose again for what works!
Betty Lue