There is a voice within you that speaks only of the Good in You.
There is a voice in you that knows always and only what is Best for You.
There is an inner voice that will guide you to perfect happiness and inner peace.
This voice came with you when you were born into this world of form.
This inner voice is truly for and from your Higher Self, your inner teacher.
This quiet place sees and knows only Love for you.
This place of certainty and trust in you seeks only that you remember the Love YOU Are.
How could it be that the Love that created you would want anything other than Love for you?
How could it be that the Perfection of God could create anything less than a wonderous life for you?
How could we possibly imagine that there is another will than the Will for Good for You?
It is our Holy Work to quiet our learned imaginings and listen to the Voice Within.
Yes, I listen for these Loving Reminders each morning.
I have been guided to send them to you and those who ask for the last 11 years.
Beginning in 1976 I began to sit each morning and listen for inner guidance which I followed.
To my surprise, when I listened and followed impeccably my life was fun, safe and easy.
The miracle of inner listening comes from the Love that created us to Listen only to Love.
The miracle of inner listening resides in our willingness to follow only the path of Love.
The miracle of inner listening is experienced only when we practice quieting our own minds.
The miracle of inner listening is to learn God’s will is our Perfect Happiness and Inner Peace.
How do you begin to listen within:
Set an appointed time each day. 5 minutes or an hour, it matters not, but keep your appointment.
Make it the same place and time. Consistency creates a positive habit for mind and body.
Allow no interruption or distractions. Make this a sacred time of spiritual practice.
Bring a journal or pad of paper and pen. Writing everything you think and fee and hear is key.
Prepare with song, scripture or statement of trust. “I seek answers and know I can trust the answers.”
Focus within with rhythmical breathing and listen in the silence. Write what you hear, see and know.
Do not seek to understand, but bring peace to what is. Inner peace is the key to listening.
Write your questions when they come to you and listen for the answers. Write it all down.
Your inner teacher and inner voice wants to help you be happy and at peace.
Your inner voice seeks only to guide you to live a happy, fulfilling life.
Your inner voice calls you to live and give fully , love and learn easily in every encounter.
Your inner voice knows you and loves you, trusts you and believes in you…so why not listen?
Loving you in another new beginning.
Share with me if you choose and know I will support and encourage you always,
Betty Lue
¤ I love you ¤
and I know you love me too.
LOVE IS FREEDOMThe freedom for you and I to be who we are.
The freedom to live life as we do.
The freedom to make mistakes and learn from them.
The freedom to express our own truth as we see it.
LOVE IS TRUSTThe trust that there is a constant flow of love,
no matter what.
The trust that, in spite of life’s problems,
we believe in and support each other’s right
to live as we choose.
The trust that in adversity,
there is healing and learning and gifts of love.
The trust that under conflict and emotional expression,
there is love
I love you and I trust you.
I free you to be all you are.
and I know you love me too.
LOVE IS FREEDOMThe freedom for you and I to be who we are.
The freedom to live life as we do.
The freedom to make mistakes and learn from them.
The freedom to express our own truth as we see it.
LOVE IS TRUSTThe trust that there is a constant flow of love,
no matter what.
The trust that, in spite of life’s problems,
we believe in and support each other’s right
to live as we choose.
The trust that in adversity,
there is healing and learning and gifts of love.
The trust that under conflict and emotional expression,
there is love
I love you and I trust you.
I free you to be all you are.
Betty Lue 1978