Being true to you comes with the territory.
Only when we learn to listen to others, do we stray away from what comes naturally.
Organic is to honor what is natural, easy fun and safe.
Each organism does what is in their best interest, except when led by others’ rules, beliefs and authority.
Who is the author of your life?
Who have you given the power of authority for you?
Who do you listen to and honor more than yourself?
When did you step away from being natural, innocent and trusting of your own instincts?
When tired, take a rest or a nap.
When hungry, eat but only what you need to be satisfied….not stuffed.
When thirsty, drink what quenches your thirst…usually fresh water.
When confused, step away from complexity and find clarity within.
When sad, cry or be quiet.
When angry, work it out or express without offense.
When lonely, talk to someone, write or share yourself.
When full of joy, share it and bring happiness to others.
To be as a child is to be natural and innocent.
To be as a child is to trust your inner wisdom.
To be as a child is to see in nature the way to self care.
To be as a child is to let go of adulteration and conformity.
Being natural may mean changing your persona, your behaviors and your image.
Being natural may mean begin alone and in silence and being gregarious and social.
Being natural may mean playing dress up or playing by yourself.
Being natural is remembering to always respond to yourself and your needs with LOVE and TRUST.
Give yourself the opportunity to flow with life rather than follow others’ schedules.
Give yourself the freedom to express what is in your heart, rather than always meet others expectations.
Give yourself the respect to look deeper than the surface for origin of emotions, desires and vision.
Give yourself the trust to listen within to what is really the calling of your heart.
You can take a vacation for just one day a month to step aside from the regimented world.
You deserve a break from the adulterations of the sophisticated world to find your own naturalness.
You can find a place to be and ways to express and how to live your way only when you let go.
You are at your best only when you live a life full of enthusiasm, curiosity, gratitude and joy in being.
I am loving you and encouraging you to be naturally you.
Remember what wonder life brings when you bring naturalness to your life.
Loving us all!
Betty Lue