This is the 42nd birthday of my younger daughter.
Last night we went to the Montessori Preschool Graduation for the twins, Harper and Lila.
Every week we spend about10 hours average with grandchildren from 11yrs-3 weeks old.
I believe our greatest investment must be in our children and grandchildren.
I received some information on rearing children in natural cultures and recently saw the film “Babies”.
The books on Ishmael have intrigued me greatly over the years.
I find myself referring to learning through natural consequences rather than using fear and punishment.
I usually refer to what is effective and what works for all concerned.
We all have responsibility for the children on our planet.
We each in some way contribute to their cultural learning directly or through taxes, media and modeling.
Everyone has an influence on the direction of our culture and the patterns and mores of our society.
We are at a crossroads in time when we must find a better way (unless you like what is happening now.)
New and ancient philosophy for our children.Every child comes as a blessing from God, a miracle of creation, unlimited and free.
Children are born into a culture which tends to teach limitation and fear.
Every child is a gift of Love, here to give and receive Love, nurturing and the space to explore.
Every child has intrinsic gifts, a part to play and a special opportunity to heal their family system.
Some beings volunteer to enter into families with difficult circumstances, pain and poverty.
Some beings are born into families of means and money with other needs for healing.
Some babies are born into comfort security, freedom and trust.
We can trust the process of each by not projecting our interference and being supportive of each.
When a child learns from natural consequences, they have the opportunity to learn through experience.
When children are allowed to explore possibilities, they find their own path to live and learn.
When children are given the trust and modeling of others who are free and trusting, they are too.
When children learn naturally, they realize how simple, direct and fun, safe and easy life can be.
Can we each treat ourselves and those around us with this simple way of loving?
Can we trust ourselves to learn what works through experience rather than through fear?
Can we free ourselves to explore what might be better ways, by living and learning?
Are we willing to allow natural consequences be the teacher and the teaching?
What works?
How does that feel?
Is that what you want?
Is there a better way for you?
See what is true for you.
How did your own child-rearing work for you?
Do you trust yourself?
Are you free to explore and choose a better way?
Loving us all in letting go and learning to trust and free ourselves,
Betty Lue