You can wait, delay and paralyze yourself with excuses, regrets, blame and resentment.
But you cannot blot out the vision, calling, inspiration and invitation to awaken and live fully.
This is your time to choose what you would have your life be.
This is your time to relinquish the past and let yourself be free.
What would life look like for you if you lived fully and freely?
Where would you go and what would you do if you allowed yourself?
Who would be your friends and associates and how would you live and love and give?
Are you willing to begin today, knowing first and foremost, THIS IS YOUR TIME!
Much of counseling is to focus on understanding, healing and clearing the past.
And yet, the past is gone.
Much of coaching is figuring out how you want to live and give in the future.
And yet the future is yet to come.
Today you can be who and how you are called to be.
You can choose in every relationship to be new again.
You can set aside childish ways and foolish habits.
You can free yourself from the excuses you have used for a lifetime.
Now is Your Time,
Today is Your Day.
This is Your Life.
You are the One.
Start by simply awakening this and every moment with “ I am glad to be here, right here!”Affirm your own gratitude for being YOU with “I love, trust and appreciate my whole Self.”Acknowledge past mistakes with simple forgiveness “I forgive everyone, including myself.”Be willing to step into the unknown, the space of openness and willingness to be here now.
“I am always in the right place at the right time doing the right thing for the right reason.”Trust that your life is on path, a Source of learning, loving and contributing right now.
“I am willing to give my very best to everyone as I remember the Love I Am.”Miracles happen wherever there is trust, freedom and love.
“I give and receive the miracles of love and the blessings of trust and freedom to all.”Appreciate the abundant gifts of peace, love and joy when you remember to Love.
“Life is fun, safe and easy when I listen within and follow the path of Love.”
You are the One and Now is Your Time.
Wake up sleepy head. Abundant Life awaits!
Betty Lue