What is respectful?
What is appropriate?
What is helpful?
What is kind?
Basic etiquette teaches:
Don’t interrupt.
Say please and thank you.
Listen to the designated teacher or leader.
Follow the lead to support the group energy.
Don’t be rude, disruptive or disrespectful of others.
Help people who are elderly or disabled.
Treat everyone with consideration.
Give what you can when asked to contribute.
Be helpful when you attend someone’s party or dinner.
Leave places as clean or cleaner than when you came.
Don’t distract or interfere with another’s peace.
So much of respect is simply to get out of only considering ourselves.
When focused on what agrees with my opinions and ideas, we dismiss others.
When focused on what our feelings are, we forget about others’ feelings.
When focused on what is best for our body image and health, we may neglect others health concerns.
The ego is often an immature child caught in considering only what it wants.
The ego self can be selfish, demanding, needy and greedy and only seek to get its needs met.
The ego is meant to learn to be self soothing, self satisfying, self fulfilling, and self educating.
The ego self is called to naturally grow up and develop a sense of principles and priorities which considers others as well as itself.
When we become aware and place others’ interests as equal to our own, we mature spiritually.
The spiritually developed person considers what is highest and best, what is for the Greater Good.
As we place others’ needs in our frame of reference, we can see what will work for all concerned.
When we listen within to our inner guidance, the Voice of Spirit, our heart knows how all can win.
To fully be respectful, we will see what is respectful of everyone concerned.
To fully be respectful, we will consider how we can support health, happiness and fulfillment for all.
To fully be respectful, we will seek and find better ways to live and love and give to everyone.
To fully be respectful, we will be still and listen for the most loving truth.
Life is the canvas on which we practice remembering.
Life is the failsafe place in which we awaken to unconditional love.
Life is the classroom in which we learn to respect and accept everyone.
Life is the opportunity to live the Best and give the Best we have.
Let’s remember to remind one another to be the best we can be.
Loving you and me in our remembering,
Betty Lue