Monday, May 24, 2010


Do you really want peace?
Peace in your world?
Peace in your home?
Peace within yourself

When we wait for others to be peaceful, we are at effect.
When we allow other’s emotions to upset us, we are victimizing ourselves.
When we let the craziness, violence and conflicts in the world disturb our inner peace, we are victims.
When we choose peace no matter what, we lead by example and trust peace begins within.

Life is choice.
Emotions follow after thoughts and judgments.
When our thoughts are healing, our emotions are kind and peaceful.
When our thoughts are condemning, our emotions are upset, angry, hurt or fearful.
When our mind is filled with forgiveness and extending peaceful prayer to others, we feel peace.

When you see something you are judging….”I choose to see peace instead of this”
When we are confused or conflicted, step back and wait until you feel peace.
When you feel angry, hurt, upset or demanding, forgive yourself and give Peace.
When you are praying for world peace, choose to be Peace and bring Peace to your world.

For some, peace is perceived as passive, boring and ineffective.
Peace is essential to health, happiness and abundant living.

Peace is healing.
Peace opens the mind to Light.
Peace is the space of freedom and creativity.
Peace yields visioning and action.
Peace is the quiet that allows the reception of Divine Guidance.
Peace is the foundation of our Reunion with Self, Source and others.

May we all choose to be Peace, bring Peace, extend Peace to everyone everywhere.
Peace be with us now and always.
Betty Lue