Increase the Good with Gratitude
Erase the unwanted with forgiveness and blessing.
When we find ourselves wanting more, we simply need to appreciate what we have.
When we find we want to let go or undo, we simply must forgive, erase and release with our blessing.
The more we focus our energy on something, the more it increases with our attention.
The more we ignore or stop giving attention, the more it decreases and dissolves with lack of energy.
Life is meant to be natural, growing with sunlight, water and warmth and dying with denial.
During full moon time, we may experience an increase in what we are needing to give our attention.
Where there is toxicity or negativity, bless yourself by stepping away.
Stay no longer than you can maintain good health and inner peace.
When you step away, take time to listen within for how best to respond.
Taking a time out often gives a chance for emotions to settle and more respectful communication.
When there is negativity, criticism or hurtful words or behaviors, it is important to not take it personally.
When your buttons are being pushed, it indicates an area of needed healing.
When you are the negative, critical or toxic person, it indicates your are grossly off purpose.
When you find yourself in negative or disrespectful situations, it is time to stop and center yourself.
To find Good, you must be Good.
To receive Good, you must be giving Good.
To react with the negativity that you are receiving is ineffective and intensifies the situation.
To respond with peace, forgiveness, silence and healing energy is effective and brings healin.
When you are unable to quiet your mind, stop hurtful words and behavior, take a time out.
Stay away from the person or situation until you can bring peace, kindness and helpfulness.
When the other cannot accept the good you are offering, they cannot trust themselves or trust you.
When the other rejects the Goodness given, they may feel unworthy or unable to receive Good.
Give people space when they are emitting toxic energy.
Do not take on another’s pain or poison.
Do not allow the other to hurt you or another, physically or emotionally.
Create a safe space in which they can recover and return to their natural state of Love and respect.
Remember, when people do not respect themselves or feel guilty for having hurt the one they love,
They usually need to withdraw or they seek ways to blame the other for having caused the upset.
It is essential that we learn as a loving and healing presence not to allow others to hurt or upset us.
It is helpful to be free of guilt, fear or blame when we are healing ourselves and our relationships.
I now choose to give and receive All Good and Only Good.
The rest is forgive and released immediately with blessing of Peace.
Betty Lue
Grandpa Robert’s grandkid’s birthday party at the Lake House
Lots of pictures and tons of fun for all!
Kids and their significant other helping to plant veggies and flower in some newly made beds.
This is the beginning of breaking a Pinata full of goodies and the cake and ice cream celebration!
These are only two of 50 pictures of the children giving their self made pictures and presents to Grandpa.
This was an art project for everyone to decorate crowns to wear!