Life is a Gift to You as You.
Until you fully receive the Gift you are given, you cannot fully give the Gift of You.
In Truth, in Spirit, in Reality:
When we give, we give to ourselves.
We can only deny ourselves, for all things are given unto us.
Life is for giving and we are the gifts.
Giving is receiving.
To give, we must first have.
To give All to All is to have All.
There is no separation in what is given and received.
The ego personality believes it lacks.
This false self gives to get what it perceives it needs.
This illusion is concerned with comparison and judges itself and its gifts.
Our learned and limited self believes life is for getting what we think we need and want.
What doesn’t work for egos is that there is never enough.
When there is a measure of what we give and receive, we limit our experience of fulfillment.
When we have not fully received the gifts with which we are endowed, we cannot truly give them.
When we are appreciative and celebrating the fullness and Abundance within us, we cannot fully give.
Life is for the purpose of Giving.
Giving with Joy and Giving Abundantly.
When we have fully received the Good of our lives, we genuinely give all without limitation or hesitation.
When we really appreciate Who and Whose We Are, we share without fear or comparison.
We know we are always in all ways enough.
We remember our Source and give thanks for the endless resources within.
We judge no one and nothing for what is given or received.
We highlight all opportunities to share the highest and best we know and have and are.
Simply said, to really give, we must fully have received for ourselves.
To give away what is not received by us, is a superficial or surface giveaway.
When we feel we lose in the giving, we cannot fully have received.
There is no loss in giving. There is only gain in the sharing.
I am loving and giving to You and Yours my All.
I celebrate and enjoy each gift, given as easily as breathing.
There is no work, no loss and no hesitation or withhold.
There is only the recognition that I feel honored and joyful to give what I have been given.
Loving you,
Betty Lue