My Goal is Peace on Earth and Good Will towards All.
My Purpose is to happily spread happiness everywhere.
My function is to forgive, erase and undo everything that is not peaceful and happy in me.
When I began writing these Loving Reminders almost in December 1998, I did not know what would happen. I knew only that after receiving my personal inner guidance from the Voice Within since 1976, that I was being called to share spiritual guidance using the computer and email. After almost 10 years, they are sent directly to over 1000 people around the globe. And many of you send them on to your own mailing lists. There are now three self-published little books of Peaceful Reminders, Loving Reminders and Relationship Reminders (most of which are now sold or given away). There are two books waiting to be edited and printed…..hopefully early in 2009 Healthy Reminders and Healing Reminders will be birthed.
Questions You may Have Asked:
Why would I sit at their computer every morning for 10 years and continuing sharing Good Stuff?
You are my family.
You are a part of me. Your happiness is mine. Your peace makes a difference in our world.
Your spiritual healing and growth change the world for the better. I care about all of us.
I am reminded.
I need reminders of the Love we are. I need to be still and listen within to the Voice for God and Good.
I need to trust that Love prevails and heals all the anger and fear in the world. I need to know we are waking up and together in this healing and holy world.
I share because I care.
And so I write these Loving wakeup calls. I share the best I know. I give the highest and most healing (holy) truth of which I am aware. I care and I dare to let it show, so we all will know we are loved.
Why do you matter so much to me?
If you knew my heart, you could see that I am here to do exactly what I am doing with my life.
If you could feel my love, you would know that I love you and believe in you as I do myself.
If you could hear the Voice within me, you would believe I am here to Love us All by waking us up to the Love inside.
What’s in it for me?
My whole life is devoted to loving and giving, to healing and serving, to inspiring and revealing.
From early childhood I knew I was here to be truly helpful. It is my joy, my purpose and my life.
I am happy when I am giving and creating and inspiring more willingness to love.
I like a world that works.
I am happy and free when we all are living with respect, responsibility and cooperation.
What can I do by writing to you?
I can wake you up.
I can keep us all remembering.
I can share the best I know.
I can reveal the simply spiritual Truth.
I can give practical guidance for what works.
I can offer hope, encourage faith and inspire giving and forgiving.
What is the message I want you to know right now?
I want you to know I will never forget or forsake the Good, the Godliness in you.
I will never quit on loving you, believing in you and encouraging your healing and revealing of Self.
I Love you and bless you and see your Goodness, your Beauty and your Holiness….
Betty Lue
This message is for you, for everyone who reads it. This message is for the children, the adults and the elders. This message is for those who hunger and for those who are filled with Spirit. This message is for those whose lives and relationships are working and those who are filled with discouragement, anger and fear. This message is for the poor and the rich, the educated and the ignorant, the skeptics and the believers. You see, I know we are all loved equally by our Creator, the Source of All Good, Love ItSelf. And so as a child in this family, I am called to love you and believe in you, to wake you up when you are sleeping and appreciate you in awakening to live your Highest and Best Self. Life is Good when I remember to Love.