· More freely?
· More joyfully?
· More Abundantly?
What do I do to live fully? How do I stay energized and inspired?
The early morning holds many inspiring events.
· Making the bed with appreciation.
· Doing some wakeup energizing exercises.
· Getting dressed and going outside for T’ai Chi Chih with light breaking on the horizon.
· Reading A Course in Miracles daily lesson.
· Listening within for spiritual guidance for the day.
· Sitting at my computer keyboard and writing these loving reminders.
· Showering and dressing with the days activities in mind.
· Preparing my organic oatmeal, yogurt, berries and applesauce cereal.
· Emptying the dishwasher.
· Enjoying the sunrise.
· Watering plants, straightening the house, getting lunch ready, preparing for the whole day.
· Taking a walk for 30 + minutes, sometimes chanting affirmations or composing a song.
Lots to do in the quiet hours before dawn breaks.
My breakfast favorite is organic blueberries, applesauce, cinnamon and yogurt in my oatmeal.
A cup of coffee, some quiet classical music and maybe playing with the piano.
We have silence in our home until after breakfast, so each one of us can have our own inspirational practice. Most people simply sit in meditation, but I am more active or creative with my quiet time.
During the day, I often take a moment to breathe, appreciate, and give thanks for the beauty and goodness I see and have and give.
Today I am doing laundry, putting together a songbook for Unity on the Delta, handling money stuff and writing thank you notes to contributors. I recognize the importance of being thankful, creating Goodness and maintaining our stuff in a respectful and responsible way.
Today I will cook a vegetable soup and make some cornbread.
I will clear my desk of unfinished business and correspondence.
I may go for a couple of walks, sweep my patio, and read a book.
I will take a short nap before my clients and class this afternoon and evening.
You see everyday is a vacation. (when you choose to see yourself as the chooser.)
Everyday it’s my choice to be happy, inspired and fulfilled.
Everyday is an opportunity to love, serve and remember God and Goodness.
Everyday is my chance to Love.
To Love anyone from the fullness in my being, I must be fully loving me.
So living life the fullest comes from giving me the best.
Healthy happy and inspired living, without shopping or traveling anywhere!!!
I am loving you and I hope you are too!
Betty Lue
I look to the freedom trust and natural playfulness in children to remember what is important!!
Out on the dance floor at the Halloween party for grandkids and all the adults watching and taking pics.

Lila and Beckett getting ready to dance!

Twin sisters laughing and dancing.

Dancing together.

Pooped and happy!All togeth