Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father’s Day

Our Father, Creator, Source, Provider and Protector,
We have been created in Your Likeness and Image.
For Love begets Loving Kindness.
Wisdom begets Wisely.
Creativity begets creatively.

And still Humanity has failed to learn.
Your errant children behave like toddlers with demanding tantrums and selfish motives.
Some behave like children following fearfully whatever they are told by the loudest voice.
Some behave like adolescents demanding privileges without taking responsibility.

We can step up to be the Love.
We can step up to provide and protect.
We can step up to create what is Good for All.
We can step up to live with wisdom and loving kindness.

And so on this a day to celebrate Our Fathers.
Let us choose to be grateful for all those who are stepping up.
Let us choose to forgive all those who are still growing up.
Let us choose to be the ones who remember to be like Our Creator.

May this be so, and so it is.

Thanks to all the Fathers this day and everyday for being willing to step up.
Thanks to all the mothers, friends, family and strangers who remember to give their best.
Thanks to all those who model for us what being a Good Dad can do for our youth.
Thanks to all the protectors, firemen, police, servicemen and more for protecting and providing.
Thanks to all the teachers and preachers, coaches and guides who give wisdom with Love.
Thanks to all people for playing the parts that are so needed to bring us all Home to Love.

Loving you all,
Betty Lue