Friday, May 23, 2008

Life is a Play

What is your act?
Drama, tragedy, comedy, monologue, pantomime or vaudeville?
How do you show up on the stage of your life?
Victim, perpetrator, villain, supporting character, nice guy, or all of the above.

Imagine for a moment that your life is merely a play with different costumes, settings, characters and acts.
Imagine that your body is merely the costume that you put on this time around to play your chosen roles.
Imagine that behind the scenes you are writing your own script and directing the drama.
Imagine that you can step off the stage and remove your costume at any time.

If you can step back and see your life from the perspective of the audience, what do you see?
Are you the character you want to be playing the part you prefer?
Are you someone who has been cast and scripted in a role which doesn’t inspire you?
Or are you playing a part rather poorly because it does not suit your intention or personality?

The play of life is much more our choice that we are willing to admit.
We have often adopted the makeup (mask), costumes and dialogue of others to fit in their play.
We may be so compliant that we would rather go along to fit in their life rather than choose for ourselves.
Or we may not realize that we can quit that part and choose again for the one we create for ourselves.

Life is a stage on which we can create what we want to experience with the players of our choice.
Life offers an infinite number of diverse roles to play from which we can choose our own preferences.
Life gives little structure and limitation, but offers much support and confirmation for our choosing.
Life is the opportunity to be totally responsible and creative for who we are, what we do and how we live.

So what is the part you want to play?
No need for envy when we can forgive and choose again.
Write your own script and assign your own cast of characters.
Enjoy being the audience along with director, producer, script writer and actor.

Loving you with delight,
Betty Lue

Are you over acting or over-reacting?
The following might help you to choose again!

Purpose Exercise

To bring your purpose to life, you need to make a declaration of your values and describe the things, people, attitudes and objectives that are important to you. This is a quick exercise to help you uncover your purpose.
List 5 answers under each set of questions.

What do I love to do?
What makes me the happiest?
What is my secret ambition?
What has given me the most satisfaction in the past?
What excites me about life?
1 _________________________________________
2 _________________________________________
3 _________________________________________
4 _________________________________________
5 _________________________________________

What am I good at?
What have others told me I was good at?
In what areas of life have I excelled?
What are some of my strengths?
1 _________________________________________
2 _________________________________________
3 _________________________________________
4 _________________________________________
5 _________________________________________

What is important to me?
What would I be willing to sacrifice for?
What do I stand for?
What would I commit myself for regardless of the obstacles?
1 _________________________________________
2 _________________________________________
3 _________________________________________
4 _________________________________________
5 _________________________________________

What was I born to do?
Where in life can I make a difference?
What unique opportunities have been placed in my path?
What specifically does God want me to do?
1 _________________________________________
2 _________________________________________
3 _________________________________________
4 _________________________________________
5 _________________________________________

Based on the answers above, develop a short paragraph outlining your purpose. Take the three top priorities from the four areas to which you just committed answers. Construct a statement that explains what you are beginning to sense in your purpose. This can be a work in progress. What is important is to commit to something in writing. Your purpose can be anything you want it to be and it can include anything that is important to you.

My Purpose Statement: