Whether you know it or not, you are leading.
Whether you want to or not, you are leading.
Whether you are lost or not, you are leading.
With your thoughts, your words and your activities, you are leading.
Humanity is all interconnected.
Minds are joined.
Our words and deeds are overheard, received and make a difference to everyone, everywhere.
Are we leading our world in the direction we really want to create for our posterity?
I can and do take responsibility for the world in which I live.'
I am here to be truly helpful.
I seek to create a world of freedom and trust where all are safe to learn, to love, to let go and be.
I create my life work, family interaction and casual encounters to serve this holy purpose.
There is no private place to act in ways which I would not teach my children or grandchildren.
There is no secret thought which does not reach other minds on a subliminal or telepathic level.
There is no judgment, hurt or faulty thinking which does not impact the world of knowledge.
There is no where to hide what I do not wish to be passed on to those I love.
Therefore, I give it all to God, Source, Higher Power, to undo everything that is not wholly true.
I release with blessing and gratitude those limiting beliefs and mistaken perceptions that cause fear.
I offer immediate forgiveness for all upsets, hurts, resentments and confusion to be confident in love.
I choose to live in love, give with joy, teach with kindness and lead with inspiration.
This is my way of leading from a place of inner inspiration and guidance.
I choose to live my life following the path that leads to love and peace, happiness and fulfillment for all.
Thank you for joining me in this holy mission to put our whole lives to work for the good of the Whole.
I am loving you and leading you, as I allow Spirit to lead me,
Betty Lue