Notes from a Practical spirituality class Robert and I are offering on Monday nights.
Definitions of New Thought:
Taking responsibility for staying in connection with inner spiritual guidance.
Releasing with forgiveness, prayer and affirmation whatever false beliefs block full faith.
Knowing that God (Spirit) intends Abundance, Wholeness and Love for all creation.
Living by spiritual "truth" principles as taught and modeled by Jesus and other great Ones.
II Corinthians 9:8
…And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that you may always have enough of everything and may provide in abundance for every good work.
Seven Steps to Abundance
Awareness and Acknowledgment:
Ways I have denied myself are:
Ways I have limited my prosperity are:
Ways I have misused my resources of time, energy and money:
Ways I have blocked my abundance with resentment, guilt, fear and unconsciousness:
I forgive myself for denying myself:
I release thoughts of limitation and lack.
I forgive myself for misusing what I have.
Releasing all blocks to unlimited love and prosperity is safe, fun and easy for me.
Abundance is my natural state.
I am very rich in every way.
I accept and use everything I have for Good.
I am grateful this is so.
May you be happy and prosper,
Betty Lue