Are you willing to listen to yourself?
Are you willing to respond with patience?
Are you willing to learn and love?
Are you willing to laugh?
Are you willing to erase the past?
Are you willing to trust in a Good Outcome?
Are you willing to reach out with kindness?
Are you willing to suspend your judgments?
Are you willing to set aside your opinions?
Are you willing to find peace first?
Are you willing to believe all intentions are seeking Love?
Are you willing to be truly helpful?
Are you willing to do your part?
Are you willing to learn what you are teaching?
Are you willing to know you hold only one piece of the picture?
Willingness is a key to a happy, peaceful and productive life.
Tears and anger rarely appear because I am willing to hear.
Trust settles every problem NOW.
I am here to be truly helpful.
I here to represent the Love that sent me.
I don't have to worry about what to do or say, because Love directs me.
I am content to be wherever Love wishes, knowing Love is here with me.
I will be healed, as I let Love teach me to heal.
I will remember my holiness, as I let love teach me to see only Holiness.
This is paraphrased from the Healer's Prayer in A Course in Miracles.
I am a happy willing learning, learning from everything and everyone,
Betty Lue
Trust me
I learn as I go.
I learn as I grow.
I learn as I know.
I am learning, this is so.
If you want to know who I really am....See the pictures below.
It explore and experiment in life with great delight. Betty Lue
This is our new playroom.
We love all the fun, safe and easy options here.