Monday, September 25, 2006

How Much Do You Care?

Passion is Caring.
Passion is Daring?
Passion is Meaning!
Passion is Feeling!

What are you willing to do for your family, friends and neighbors?
How much do you dare to care?
How much are you willing to feel?
How much are you willing to give meaning and purpose to your life?

When you live your passion, you lose track of time.
When you live with passion, you care deeply about your life.
When you feel how much you care, you find meaning and purpose.
When you dare to feel your passion, you are alive with joy and gratitude.

If you really care, you show it.
If you really have passion, you express it with love and respect, power and purpose.
If you really feel love, you live it with every word, every thought and every action.
If you really find meaning in your life, you never quit. You just keep going.

What is it that moves you?
How is God using your life to do Good?
Where do you find meaning?
How are you allowing your passion to care deeply for others?

Passion is sometimes viewed as lust, urgency, insistence on having what you want.
However, this false passion is moving you away from the real power of True passion.
True passion is to giving everything you are and everything you have for what has meaning.
When you really care, you are willing to listen softly to the inner calling of your Soul.

Spirit's messages are gentle and sweet.
The ego's passion is strong and demanding.
Spirit's calling is easy and light.
The ego's urges are pushy and extreme.
Spirit's caring is subtle, quiet and often anonymous.
Egoic caring is often direct, obnoxious and showy.

Ask yourself, "Are you willing to die for what you love?" This is the ego.
Are you willing to live abundantly for what you love? This is Spirit.
Are you willing to let go of your neediness for the sake of service and caring?
Or are you intent on satisfying your needs, your timing, your requirements?

Life is filled with opportunities to care deeply, love purely and give generously.
First, passionately care for your whole Self, your Essential Self, your Real Purpose.

Why not?
Loving you,
Betty Lue

This will help you identify your passion and purpose.
To bring your purpose and passion to life, you need to make a declaration of your values and describe the things, people, attitudes and objectives that are important to you. This is a quick exercise to help you uncover your purpose.
List 5 answers under each set of questions.

What do I love to do?
What makes me the happiest?
What is my secret ambition?
What has given me the most satisfaction in the past?
What excites me about life?
1 _________________________________________
2 _________________________________________
3 _________________________________________
4 _________________________________________
5 _________________________________________

What am I good at?
What have others told me I was good at?
In what areas of life have I excelled?
What are some of my strengths?
1 _________________________________________
2 _________________________________________
3 _________________________________________
4 _________________________________________
5 _________________________________________

What is important to me?
What would I be willing to sacrifice for?
What do I stand for?
What would I commit myself for regardless of the obstacles?
1 _________________________________________
2 _________________________________________
3 _________________________________________
4 _________________________________________
5 _________________________________________

What was I born to do?
Where in life can I make a difference?
What unique opportunities have been placed in my path?
What specifically does God want me to do?
1 _________________________________________
2 _________________________________________
3 _________________________________________
4 _________________________________________
5 _________________________________________

Based on the answers above, develop a short paragraph outlining your purpose. Take the three top priorities from the four areas to which you just committed answers. Construct a statement that explains what you are beginning to sense in your purpose. This can be a work in progress. What is important is to commit to something in writing. Your purpose can be anything you want it to be and it can include anything that is important to you.

My Purpose Statement: