Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day

I will be out of touch for the next two weeks on email and phone, but always in touch in spirit, the Heart of God.
We are all One when we remember where we really live.
If urgent need for assistance, call my capable and kind intern Holly Hand at 925-932-8232.
Leave messages on email for me or on my #800 voicemail.
Voice mail messages (#800-919-2392) expire after some unknown time.
If you don’t hear back from me, please try again.....
Returning on May 28. Appointments, in office or on phone, available on May 29, 30 and 31.

Mother’s Day Reminders May 14, 2006 For everyone on the planet who seeks to live by Spirit.

My Dad always said, "Being a Mother is the most important job in the world."

Remember to love with all your heart and mind.
Love the innocence in everyone.
Welcome the DeLight in everyone.
Enjoy the ingenuity in everyone.
Value the learning in everyone.
Appreciate the gifts of everyone.
Inspire the Greatness in everyone.
Encourage the Adventure in everyone.
Respond to the smiles and hugs of everyone.
Rejoice in the Goodness in everyone.

Our Love brings out the Best, the God and the Good in every child of God.

Mother's Day Reminders

All mothers...
Each one of us receiving vision, the seed of creation.
Each one of us incubating that vision in the consciousness of our heart.
Each one of us nurturing that seed into being and blossoming.
Each one of us gently guiding with patience and peace into Beauty and Blessing.

We are the coaches, the midwives, the mothers of the world we see.
As we enter into union with Eternity, we recognize our true work is to be free.
Trust that you now know and can always grow in grace and goodness, simply by being.
It is enough that you envision, incubate, nurture and guide your Holy Self into full awakening.

For here you are the One who awakens every One into Being One.
Blessed be.
Betty Lue