I know I want to be truly helpful
I know I want to give others what will strengthen and encourage their healing and development.
I know everyone needs something different.
I know my answers may not be the best for another.
So I must listen both to the person I am called to help and to the knowing Spirit within me.
Forgiving my own opinion, beliefs and judgments is the beginning .
Forgiving past errors, both unconscious and conscious is essential.
Forgiving times when I gave too much and times when I gave too little is important.
Forgiving times when I offered before I was asked and times when I declined to invest.
I do not know how to best support others in my life.
I need to ask them what they really want.
When I hear they do not know or the usual "nothing", I need to listen to their heart.
Being truly helpful means being the safe place where others can ask for anything without fear.
I am here to be truly helpful.
I am on the planet volunteering to give my best.
I am in the right place at the right time to give what is being called forth without fear or attachment.
I can listen within and know that the Love in me guides and directs me.
It is only through the all-knowing One that lives and breathes through me that I am perfectly guided.
I can feel confident in my spiritual direction when I surrender the past and my limited perspective.
I can give my best and let go of the rest with the assurance that all is Love and Love prevails.
I can and will honestly always give with the intention of the highest outcome for all concerned.
My best is always good enough, because my best is Love.
Betty Lue