with lack of anger;
bad, with good;
stinginess, with generosity;
a liar, with truth.
-Dhammapada, 17, translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
When the world seems dark, be the light.
When the world feels lost, give direction.
When others seem to be withholding, give full expression.
When others are afraid, offer safety.
When friends seems needy, appreciate abundantly.
When there is disease, offer compassion.
When there is despair, give hope.
When people seem lonely, be fully present.
Where there is sorrow, give your joy.
You are the difference.
You show the way.
You bring the possibility.
You encourage change.
You are the Love.
You share your Joy.
You offer Peace.
This is a holy work which everyone of us can do.
Think of yourself as an Earth Angel, sent here to bring healing love and divine Presence.
Loving you, Betty Lue
Yes, There you are..innocent, fully of wonder and joy!
I see You. I know You. I love You.