When we are in Love, we love everyone and everything.
When we are in Love, we are in a state of joyous grace.
When we are in Love, we are loving ourselves.
When we are in Love, life is an adventure.
When we are in Love, we are grateful to be alive.
When we are in Love, we are rich beyond compare.
When we are in Love, this Love extends to all corners of the Earth.
We are in Love, when we are freely giving the Love we are with no conditions or withholds.
We are in Love, when we see the world through forgiving eyes with no judgments or comparison.
We are in Love, when we feel free to express the unbounded joy we feel.
We are in Love, when we reach out to all races and creeds, to those people who have and have not.
We are in Love, when we seek nothing for loving.
We are in Love, when we are lifted on angel's wings and our Spirit soars.
Mothers sometimes fall into Love with their newborn babies.
When worldly responsibilities occupy their time and energy, it may cloud the Love.
Youth may fall in Love with a special someone.
When problems or comparison enter their thoughts, they may fall out of Love.
Artists may fall in Love with a project or simple creation.
When critics, buyers or connoisseurs enter their thinking, they may lose the joy of Love.
Love is easily forgotten in this time/space dimension, where everything is judged according to its value. Love is often dismissed in this paradigm of comparison and defensiveness.
What if- Love is all we valued.
What if- being in Love was known as our natural state.
With if- everything else a mistake.
What if- falling in Love everyday was as natural as breathing.
What if- our Lovingness was our most prized possession.
What if -only we Loved………
We would be happy, holy and fulfilled.
Remember…Love Is Who You Really Are.
Remember…Love Is Why You Really Are.
Remember…Love Is How You Really Are.
When you forget Love, you become confused, lost and afraid.
I am loving you Really!
Betty Lue
Do you see the Love light in their eyes? Can you feel them loving you?
In each moment of unadulterated Love, there is only perfect Love.